Real Estate

Is a new worker outreach program right for your church?

Newcomers, those new families that have recently moved into a new home, represent a tremendous opportunity for your church. Churches have long sought out these new residents, also known as new residents, new neighbors, or newcomers, because of their propensity to respond to outreach communications at much higher rates than established residents. While it’s true…


How to know if your crush is drunk

So you have a huge crush on someone at school and you’re ready to ask them out, but you’re not sure about it because well, “they’re perfect, they probably already have a boyfriend/girlfriend.” Surprisingly, you will discover that many of the people you like are probably not taken or will soon be single. 99.9% of…

Lifestyle Fashion

The Emasculated Male Narcissist – Mommy’s Little Love

The highly successful male narcissist finds female partners who are attracted to him by his magnetism, lifestyle, and extraordinary confidence. High-level narcissists often have multiple marriages and multiple mistresses and girlfriends. Women are magnetized to the high end successful narcissist. Looking at the number of their romantic relationships, flings, flings, and marriages, one might think…