Is a new worker outreach program right for your church?

Newcomers, those new families that have recently moved into a new home, represent a tremendous opportunity for your church. Churches have long sought out these new residents, also known as new residents, new neighbors, or newcomers, because of their propensity to respond to outreach communications at much higher rates than established residents.

While it’s true that the housing market has been dramatically affected by the current economic climate, the reasons for moving and the reasons your church reaches out to new residents remain the same.

Families move for a variety of reasons: lost or new job; marriage or divorce, reduction (or enlargement); an addition to the family or transition to an empty nester. All of these “life events” open a window of opportunity for churches looking to make a connection with an audience that research shows is more likely to respond to their invitation.

Many churches take advantage of this opportunity and are committed to developing a relationship during this time. Unfortunately, since church leaders may lack the time and resources to fully explore this opportunity, they are not always sure how best to take advantage of this critical outreach tactic.

As you research a new promoter outreach program for your church, consider these 6 reasons why such a program might be a good fit for your church:

Reason 1: New residents are actively looking for new services to help them settle in their new neighborhood

As a new family seeks to establish roots in a new community, many will be highly motivated and actively engaged in finding new service providers. In fact, a new home church may also be on this list. This presents a unique window of opportunity that suggests your outreach message will arrive at just the right time.

Reason 2: New promoter programs are perfect for churches with a limited reach budget

Let’s face it: Outreach advertising can be expensive (and time consuming). But it is vitally important for the growth and maintenance of a healthy church. Fortunately, first-time mover programs are really affordable; that’s because the number of first-time movers in a specific area is quite small. Depending on where your church is located, the number of first-time movers can range from 25 to 150 families per month. The average investment for a new mover program is generally less than $100 per month. Also, if your church is located in a rural or sparsely populated area, your monthly investment could be as low as $20 (just make sure the moving mail company you’re considering doesn’t have shipping minimums or monthly account fees). .

Reason 3: New promoters can see “inside” their church from the comfort of their home

Some startup mailing companies provide custom design services where the mailing can feature images of your church leadership, congregation or ministry teams in action. This is a great way for new families to get a sense of your values ​​and mission; they are also more likely to imagine themselves getting involved. Church outreach is all about making a connection – a personalized email is highly recommended rather than a pre-designed template.

Reason 4: Positive return on investment

Direct mail is one of the few advertising tools where you can track results, down to the nearest dollar. For example, studies show that the average churchgoer gives around $1,000 a year. The average monthly cost for a complete turnkey program for new engines is around $50 – $150 per month. In short, to receive a positive return on your investment, only one or two families need to join your church to cover your annual outreach investment.

Reason 5: The nearby town church may already be reaching out to its new neighbors

Churches have been reaching out to new promoters for decades. In fact, another church in your town may already be making this connection. If you find that your church’s membership is stagnant or barely growing, other neighboring churches may be running targeted direct mail campaigns. It’s important that you can deliver your welcome message as soon as possible to make a lasting impact.

Reason 6: Newcomers are much more likely to respond to direct mail than established residents

Research shows that first-time movers are 4 to 8 times more likely to respond to a direct mail offer or invitation. This presents a great opportunity for your church to make a truly positive and meaningful outreach connection. A general saturation shipment to thousands of homes will probably cost thousands of dollars. On the other hand, a campaign that targets a highly receptive audience can be done at a fraction of the cost, but has the potential to generate a significant and measurable response.

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