
What is happening to our universities?

Since British universities were allowed to charge £ 9,250 for each student in each course, not only did the universities begin to operate as commercial companies, but their employees began to behave like industrial workers. This has been shown by the threat of strike by the academic staff of more than 60 universities on May…


The Paddy Melon Labradoodle – What Makes It Unique?

Since the Labradoodle began to gain prominence, several different variations in breed size have become available. The latest and by far the smallest in the world is the Paddy Melon Labradoodle. There is only one breeder in the world that offers this highly desirable variation of the ‘pure’ Labradoodle. Purposely bred and developed, these dogs…


Association – Definition of associations

Friendship is essentially a partnership. – Aristotle [Partnership] – There are advantages and disadvantages in any business structure. Partnerships are not exactly the same as forming corporations or companies. Each association is defined by an agreement. Once you have settled on this business structure, it is important to know the differences. This article will define…


The role of actuators in hydraulic engineering

From the beginning dating back to eons, humanity’s innovative mind has denoted the forward march of civilization. In this sense, each technical and technological innovation is considered a milestone in this advance. It ranges from the utility of a simple lever and the circular motion of a wheel to the design and development of modern…