Oregano Oil: The Miracle Drug Most People Still Don’t Know About

The uses of oregano and oregano oil are many. Whether it is to combat diarrhea, intestinal gas and digestive problems, it also works well against sore throats and breathing difficulties. Oregano oil can also combat bee stings and many snake bites. Some reports have even suggested it as a treatment for dandruff and skin disorders.

The benefits of oregano have really gone unnoticed. Oregano is probably the most complete natural medicine in the world. But it has to be the real thing. If it is NOT genuine oregano and oregano oil, it will not have the powerful effects that the real thing will.

Oregano may be what you’ve been looking for, but you may never have heard of its value and availability.

Oregano oil is very powerful to combat:
* Yeast, fungi (skin and blood borne)
* Allergies, hay fever and sinusitis
* Infections (cold and flu).

A doctor learned about his strength firsthand. He suffered from a fungal blood infection that literally put him out of a job. He had to close his practice and move home to live. He had tried everything, until finally; he discovered the powerful antiseptic property of wild oregano. He saved him and got his life back.

In my opinion, the anti-allergy efficacy I have received has been the most impressive. I started using it a few years ago and got through one of the worst pollen seasons ever. I took it before I went to sleep and slept through the night. Oregano oil has been used since ancient times to combat yeast, fungal, and viral infections. Oregano oil’s ability to kill allergies, runny noses, sinusitis, and a runny nose has shown me that this really works!

Once again, I want to reiterate, you will not get the results eating a pizza! There is not enough real power of oregano. Only wild oregano grown in the (Mediterranean) mountains contains the naturally rich “carvacrols, flavonoids and terpenes” that give oregano its incredible power. Carvacrol is a natural “antimicrobial” and the Flavonoids provide a “natural antiseptic” property, acting as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

You could call them “Mother Nature’s antihistamines and decongestants.” Wild hand-picked oregano oil is over 70% carvacrol by weight. That’s a lot of healing power. Remember, you can’t buy cheap imitations and expect real results. The beauty of oregano is that it can be used internally and topically.
Any allergy sufferer should know that wild oregano is capable of stopping your next allergy attack in its tracks. It is effective, reliable and safe. Can you even begin to say that about “over-the-counter drugs”?

Try the natural approach first. Why continue to suffer from allergies anymore. Wild oregano oil conquers them every time.

Pathogenic bacteria, staphylococci, streptococci and E.coli are no match for the power of oregano oil. This wonderful gift for healing has even been shown to destroy resistant fungal forms, such as mutated fungi that result from antibiotic therapy.

Let me be honest, it’s strong, so when you start using it internally, start with small amounts, like one or two drops twice a day in juice.
Take one drop twice daily and work up to one drop four times daily. Mix it with a little honey or maple syrup to enhance the flavor.

As I said before, you can apply it topically to treat gums, teeth, itchiness, skin infections, and just about anywhere on the body. Be careful if you use it in the genital region. If you have to use it there, mix it with a little olive oil or coconut oil before applying it.

Another benefit of oregano; There are no side effects.

Just take a look at how many health problems oregano oil effectively treats:

• acne
• allergies
• arthritis
• asthma
• athlete soccer
• constipation
• rump
• dandruff
• Diarrhea
• digestive disorders
• insect bites
• bronchitis
• thrush
• colds
• flow
• earaches
• tired
• gum disease
• parasites
• Headaches
• menstrual irregularities
• psoriasis
• toenail problems
• seborrhea
• ringworm
• rose window
• sinusitis
• muscle bread
• varicose veins
• warts

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