Hypnosis – Is it useful?

The word hypnosis brings different images to the minds of different people. Some people reject it, while others are curious about it. The intent of hypnosis is to change your thought pattern and sometimes help address the real cause of some problems. Some people have found that hypnosis has helped them deal with unresolved and deeply buried issues. Most of the time, problems are locked away in our subconscious and manifest as symptoms in our bodies and certain antisocial behaviors. After reading this article, you will have a better understanding of hypnosis and its value to you.

Psychologists and psychiatrists have used hypnosis to help their patients through difficult periods in their lives. Most patients have been able to face certain fears and manage painful problems while sitting on a psychiatrist’s couch. Since most people fear that hypnosis may open them up to manipulation by others, seeking treatment from an experienced, certified mental health professional is recommended. An experienced and trustworthy psychiatrist will only use hypnosis for the betterment of their patients and may sometimes use it as a last resort.

Traditionally, hypnosis has been administered by others; however, there is a popular form called self-hypnosis. This works primarily through the use of subliminal messages that are directly filtered into your subconscious. These messages are positive words or statements that affirm and validate a person’s worth. As your mind fills with powerful, positive words, your body will begin to feel energized and recharged. Words like ‘I can’, ‘I am capable’ and ‘all things are possible’ will help motivate the body and mind to action. The famous quote, ‘as a man thinks, so is he’ will come true in your life. In essence, you are what you think.

For self-hypnosis to work effectively, you need to constantly listen to your CD containing the affirmations and find a quiet place to listen and relax. The CD usually contains repeated words or phrases with relaxing music playing in the background. You will receive instructions on how to relax, proper breathing techniques, and good listening. So who can benefit from hypnosis? They range from people suffering from panic disorders, depression, grief, trauma, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and other phobias.

Interestingly, some people have used it to help them lose weight by changing their point of view about their weight problem.

The mind is a very powerful instrument. Your thoughts will shape the course of your life: you are what you think and believe. Hypnosis has been used to help people deal with destructive thoughts or problems buried deep in the subconscious. The truth is that some experiences are very painful, so we tend to bury them deep inside so we don’t have to face them. Unfortunately, sometimes these problems manifest in poor mental and physical health. Hypnosis used by a licensed, trained and experienced psychiatrist can help a person successfully treat the root cause of their problems. Today, self-hypnosis CDs are available to help people overcome the stress or pressures of daily life.

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