Your mind can move mountains

Thanks Henry Ford for the quote: “Whether you think you can or you can’t, in any case you’re right.” The power of the mind is such that it can convince us of things that are not true. Our mind can limit us or set us free and the absolute fact is that everyone, no matter what level of intelligence others perceive them to be, has the power to change their minds and therefore change their outcomes.

This is an incredibly important thing to understand. You control your attitude. It took me years to understand this because occasionally I would find myself in an emotional black hole. You know, one of those moods where you just want to crawl into a hole somewhere and meditate until someone else makes it all better. I thought “How can I control my attitude when I feel so bad?” The fact is that when you decided to change your mood, you start thinking of ways to do it. This is the crux of my whole article here: It all starts as a decision. I would go for a walk, listen to great music, play with my kids, do something I love, anything to get that positive vibe. THEN and only then would I realize that yes, I do control my attitude IF I make the choice to do so. And when I make that decision, my mind comes to us with the solutions I need. Without my decision to overcome my situation, my mind will not provide me with a way to do so.

Decision. The word comes from the Latin DECIDERE, which literally means to cut, so when you decide to do something, cut any other possibility. The decision is final. The reverse also works. It really is impossible not to make a decision when you are faced with a choice. Not making a clear decision is a real decision in itself. When your conscious mind has no clear direction, your subconscious mind has nothing to do either.

I have found in my own experience that my attitude, the way I approach problems, has a direct effect on my results. He may even come to rule if I take some action. If that doesn’t affect your results, I don’t know what does. Think about how you approach an obstacle in your path. It can be as simple as the first instinctive things that cross your mind. Do you think: THERE IS NO WAY I can do this, or do you think: How CAN I do this? Are you thinking of all the reasons you can’t, or are you thinking of all the ways you could? Wow, that’s such a simple, fundamental, and easy thought shift, but it makes a monumental difference in possibilities.

When you think from the solution angle instead of the problem angle, your mind subconsciously shifts to start offering solutions. I find this amazing to experience; That feeling of ideas flowing, many ways to conquer a problem is extremely liberating. That feeling, of course, also alters your mood. You enter an upbeat frame of mind which again encourages your subconscious mind to help with more information. Wow, this is such a powerful thing; Do you realize how much resource you have between your ears? I don’t care how good, smart, smart or cunning you think you are, YOU possess the same ability to use the power of your mind.

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