Do you believe in yourself? 7 actions to ensure your maximum growth!

I don’t know if you have asked yourself this question reflectively; or has given you some deep or significant thought, but it is a question with a significant amount of depth and value!

You may approach this question very lightly or feel like it is a very narrow concept, only applying to a narrow part of who you are, but your belief in yourself (whether good or bad) permeates every interaction you have, your thoughts, actions you take, and decision you make consciously or unconsciously…fundamentally this question and how you respond to it pertains to your entire existence!

Believe in your full potential
You are a phenomenal creation that has been endowed with a brilliant set of skills, abilities, and gifts that, when given proper focus, specific intent, and the right outlet; You can express yourself with great meaning and have an immense impact on the lives of those around you, as well as your society at large.

This may sound like a pretty grandiose statement and inflated promise… but it’s true!

You have phenomenal potential within you! A potential that can change lives and their environment forever!

Eliminate your biggest source of doubt!
You hold yourself back by adopting a mentality that entrenches itself in a comfort zone. This reinforces some ideas and perceptions that, at first glance, stem from well-intentioned character-based principles; however, this is limiting its potential and the ULTIMATE PURPOSE for which it was created.

Don’t let your defense of the good around you stop you from reaching the great on offer!

Some ways this limiting mindset becomes apparent:

Defend your position or current situation. You may not like what you do or how you are living… but you stand up for it! Your advocacy manifests in your constant rationalizations of NOT going for your goals or focusing on the responsibility of now as opposed to the greater responsibility of growth. You defend your results thinking this is the best it can get!

You continually convince yourself that “the successful are the lucky ones” and that “you’re just unlucky.” Well, to be honest, we all create our own luck… good or bad!

You do not feel that you are capable of carrying more responsibility than you currently have. You feel that you can “burn out” or that increased responsibility is just a burden. The truth is that the more we give, the more we receive… we were created to serve, give and do… often much more than we think we are capable of!

You often feel like you don’t deserve to partake of the abundance that surrounds you! You may think and feel that you are not capable of doing what others can do.

The alibi that you can reinforce… more abundance more problems! The problems brought by abundance are much better and easier to handle than the problems brought by poverty, scarcity, or limitation.

You have to be grateful for what you have… and that’s it! Thank, accept and don’t ask for more… as if asking would lead you to some kind of punishment. Never confuse dissatisfaction with feeling ungrateful. We can be grateful and dissatisfied at the same time. A feeling of dissatisfaction is a sign of your inherent desires wanting greater and more effective expression!

Often the religious person can use the alibi of “God willing” as an excuse for a lifetime of weak or non-existent action. For the faithful, an expression of growing faith is one in which we demonstrate a growing belief in ourselves by taking greater steps and making greater sacrifices.

All of the above is endemic to the mental cancer that is Doubt or Disbelief!

Start changing your mindset to eradicate this cancer!

The best is inside…
The best part of a mindset shift is that you are open to the changed perspective that a new awareness brings, along with the belief that fosters a new understanding of how you believe in yourself.

Some basics to understand:

We have all been created equally and endowed, in equal abundance, with gifts and talents to contribute in ever greater measure to the upliftment and success of all with whom we are connected, but more importantly, ourselves.

There is an equal amount of time for everyone… how we choose to use it is what makes the difference in results between people.

Adversity is an Opportunity… No one is safe from adversity! Your adversity may seem more intense or impossible to overcome, but your adversity is unique to you. This is to ensure that the specific development of your unique and wonderful ability and gift takes place along with the intended result!

Change is not only possible but necessary.

The brilliant benefit of increasing self-confidence is that you can adapt to circumstances more quickly, recognize the opportunity to serve and contribute in every interaction. You recognize that you are the best gift you can give when you bring out your best to give your best; This is all topped off by the freedom of mind that comes from knowing that there is no person, opinion, circumstance, or situation holding you back again!

7 actions to ensure your maximum growth!

  1. Decide: Don’t focus on what you think is possible based on your results or current state… make a decision for what you really want!
  2. Think in detail – highlight and be very specific about the features, detail and definition of your goal and the freedom this will bring. Think like that constantly as if it were guaranteed!
  3. Take Action: Starting with small, manageable milestones, begin implementing a different lifestyle, new discipline, and improved routines. Progress towards greater achievements and gains as your confidence and belief increase and you become resolute!
  4. Model your behaviors: line up your behaviors… the good ones, after a person who has achieved what you want to achieve or has achieved
  5. Study: we don’t know what we don’t know… that’s why you need to study more about yourself, what makes you… you, the principles of success that surround you and also the strategies you can adopt to achieve significant change. Solid knowledge leads to firm belief!
  6. Gratitude: Continually focus on finding ways to increase your gratitude. Gratitude is a wonderful skill to develop as it intimately connects you to your source of supply!
  7. Persist – The most fundamental way to develop belief is to focus your efforts and energy on a specific result and then continue until that specific result is achieved! It’s not over until you win!

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