The inner secret of being attractive – EFT

Do you feel attractive or ugly?

I’ve been there. We all have days when we look in the mirror and think ugh!

But there is a secret technique that can help you overcome your inner ugliness and feel more attractive.

It is a fact that when you FEEL more attractive, you are more attractive.

What is this technique?

The secret is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Many EFTers simply refer to it as tapping.

Being attractive is an inside job. Being attractive has little to do with body painting, sorry putting on makeup or spending countless hours lifting weights or the annual hitting the gym. When you feel attractive, you are attractive. You will not only be attractive to yourself. Others will automatically find it attractive too. It’s like you have some kind of magnetic attraction. This is where EFT helps. EFT resolves and dissolves your feelings about how you feel about yourself and others.

Don’t get me wrong, make up, fancy suits help too

You communicate on two levels. Consciously and unconsciously. Your unconscious signals are much more powerful than your words and actions. Others notice their unconscious signals first, the words second. So if you are attractive from the inside, they will get it first.

EFT can work even if you don’t know why you don’t feel as attractive as you are. You can just start.

Although I don’t feel attractive and I don’t know why. I deeply and completely love, forgive and accept myself as I am.

Yes, even tapping on something as general as that can help you start to feel more attractive.

The reason why you don’t feel attractive can have many pieces that make it up.

Have you been told you were unattractive in the past?

With EFT you can start working your magic by playing:

Although X said it was ugly and that really hurt. I forgive myself for holding onto this belief about myself.

You can also work on your general self-esteem and happiness:

Even though I feel depressed. I accept everything as I am.

Although I am frustrated and not happy. I am choosing to let this go now.

The speed of the results will depend on whether you think that being more attractive and appearing more attractive is a big change for you. You can literally change in an instant with EFT. Or for you, change can happen more gradually as you and those around you get used to the new you and the way you feel and act.


Once you start to feel more attractive to yourself, others will notice and want to be closer to you. If you are uncomfortable with this, you can also use EFT for that.

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