Seeking Knowledge of God

As you will see in the verses of scripture that I will list in this article, God the Father places an extremely high value on the pursuit of knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge. He says that gaining knowledge is greater than all the silver, gold, and material things in this world.

The Bible tells us that we have to grow in the knowledge of God. Once you’re saved, that’s just the beginning. From there, God expects you to grow in the knowledge of Him, of His Son Jesus Christ, of His Holy Spirit, and of all His ways. As I mentioned in the article I did titled “The Power of God’s Word” – the number one way you grow in spiritual knowledge on this earth is by reading and studying the Bible for yourself. There is no other way.

God has arranged that all the spiritual knowledge we need about Him, His Son, and His Spirit is contained in this one Book. You also grow in your knowledge of God through your own personal adventures you have with Him in your own daily walk, along with learning from other Christians, especially those who are anointed and gifted to teach from His Word.

Once again, God uses very strong language in these verses. You can really tell that He is trying to let us all know the extreme importance of growing in this knowledge. The reason for this is that God’s ultimate goal for us is our sanctification and transformation. He wants us to be more holy like Him.

However, before God allows this sanctification process to really get under way through the Holy Spirit, He wants you to understand exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it. In other words, you must have the knowledge of what God is doing and exactly why he is doing it.

Even small children will pick up on this principle very quickly. Tell a child he’s not supposed to do something, and what’s the first thing he’ll do? He will ask you why he can’t do that particular thing. And then, if the child is old enough to understand what that reason is, he proceeds to tell her why she shouldn’t do that particular thing. In other words, he is giving his son the knowledge he needs so that he knows why he should or should not do a specific thing.

It is exactly the same way with God the Father. God loves to pass on knowledge to His children in all areas of anything that they may need His knowledge of in this life, but what prevents many of His children from receiving this knowledge directly from Him is that they have never been taught how. hear from Him. when He begins to try to communicate with them or not they press and go into a seeking mode with Him for Him to release this knowledge to them.

If there is one important secret that I have learned from the Lord to get Him to give you more of His knowledge, it is that you have to go into a seeking mode with Him. God will not spoon-feed you forever. The Bible says ask and you shall receive. Seek – and then you will find. Knock, and then the door will open for you. Notice in all three conditions that you must be the one to initiate it. You have to be the one who asks, searches and calls. If you do, then God will answer you, open doors, and allow you to find the answers to your questions and problems.

King David tells us that we have to meditate on the word of God. Meditation does not mean leaving your mind blank waiting for God to speak to you. Meditating means thinking, chewing, trying to figure out what specific Bible verses mean and how they specifically apply to your life.

What I have personally discovered is that the Holy Spirit will literally guide your thoughts to the revelation you are seeking as you try to figure out what the answers are. In other words, you will find the knowledge you need as you search for it. The Holy Spirit can guide his thoughts to what the correct answers are simply by using some of his mind power to try to figure things out or guide him to where those answers are.

You can literally learn to “draw” knowledge directly from God by going into these search modes with Him! As you will see in some of the scripture verses that I will list below, it is the job of the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us things in this life. In other words, the Holy Spirit is our personal guide and our personal teacher in this life. The Holy Spirit can and will communicate with you if you are open to receiving this type of supernatural communication from Him.

I will do a much more in-depth article in the near future on the wide variety of ways the Holy Spirit will communicate with you, especially in the area of ​​receiving knowledge from Him. But for this article, I just want to give you the main foundational verses of the Bible so you know that God wants to pass on His general knowledge to you about anything you need His knowledge about in this life. God can not only give you all the spiritual knowledge you seek, but he can also give you general knowledge about anything else you may need his knowledge about in this life.

God can give you His knowledge on how to become a better parent to your children, a better spouse to your spouse, a better job or specific jobs He calls you to do. If God is calling you to be a police officer, lawyer, doctor, nurse, housewife, architect, worker, sports star, He can give you His knowledge in each of those specific areas so that you can do better in each of those jobs. . There is absolutely nothing that God cannot give you the knowledge of if you are open to receive it and are not afraid to start looking for it and strive to reach it!

Many, many Christians are missing out on this part of their walk with the Lord. God will supernaturally communicate the knowledge of him to you, but first you must realize that He does want to communicate the knowledge of him to you and then you must learn how to pick it up and read it correctly when He begins to communicate to you. Again, I’ll go into much more detail about how to really listen to God in another article, but in this article, I want to show you through the scripture verses I’ll list below, that God really wants to impart and pass on knowledge. for you.

As you will see in the way that I am going to present you with the appropriate Bible verses on this subject, we are dealing with an incredible and profound reality, in which Almighty God Himself, a Being with perfect knowledge of all things, is willing to communicate and convey to us His knowledge through the Holy Spirit, who literally lives within us! Think about it: you have the knowledge that God already resides within you in the Holy Spirit who already lives within you!

The scripture verses that I will list below will show you the extreme importance that God is placing on each and every one of us as we seek to gain this kind of knowledge from Him. In some of these verses, God is making very powerful and deep. He says:

That we must GROW in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

That His people will be literally destroyed and go into captivity for lack of knowledge.

That gaining His knowledge and wisdom will help you walk safely in this life, help you preserve it, and help you stay on the right path that He has laid out for you to follow in this life.

That gaining knowledge, wisdom and understanding is better than all the gold, silver and rubies in this world and doesn’t even begin to compare to anything else you could want in this life! In other words, getting the knowledge of God in this life is bigger and better than anything materialistic you can buy, want, or wish for in this life!

To think that God Himself is making this kind of statement that acquiring knowledge is more important than anything else we can acquire in this life is such a big and powerful statement that He can make about what is really most important in life! this life!

Notice in the first point above that we must grow in the knowledge of God. I think the main reason God tells us that gaining knowledge is more important than anything else we may pursue in this life is because we cannot grow in God unless we gain knowledge from him and then seek to implement these truths in our lives. lives and walk with the.

After you are saved, God expects you to begin to grow and mature spiritually in your walk with Him. You cannot become holier, more transformed, and more sanctified unless you are growing spiritually. And you cannot begin to grow spiritually unless you are first seeking the knowledge that will make this spiritual growth happen in the first place!

If you really study the people who are most alive in this life, they are the seekers, they are the people who are constantly learning, constantly trying to improve their knowledge base in whatever they are looking for. It is the seekers of knowledge who are making the great discoveries that are changing the course of human history with the discoveries they have made. And they couldn’t have made those discoveries without first seeking the knowledge that would eventually lead to those specific discoveries.

As you’ll see in some of the insightful verses of Scripture I’ll list below: God will make you search and search for knowledge, the same way treasure hunters will search for buried treasure. He will talk to any true seeker of knowledge, and he will tell you that most of his joy comes from the journey of trying to find the knowledge he is seeking. Once the discovery has been made and they have found everything they could possibly need on a particular subject, then it’s off to the next big adventure.

Nothing will stimulate your mind and emotions and make you feel more alive than seeking knowledge about something that really interests and excites you. However, many in our country have become “brain dead” and mentally lazy as a result of becoming couch potatoes by watching too much television. God has amazing adventures of knowledge in store for each and every one of us if we are willing to get out of our routines, get out of our safe boats, and start looking for the things He wants us to look for.

Before I get into the Scripture verses on all of this, I’ll leave you with one last thought.

The knowledge of God is like a treasure chest that has no bottom! There is no limit to the amount of knowledge God can release to you if you are willing to dive into that treasure chest and start looking for it. Think carefully about this: that the one all-powerful and all-knowing God of the entire universe is willing and able to pass on his knowledge to you about whatever you want his knowledge and wisdom to be.

Every Christian has this incredible treasure chest of knowledge and wisdom that literally resides within them in the person of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is just too eager and waiting for you to connect to Him to gain this knowledge and begin to release it to you!

This incredible adventure of knowledge is waiting for each and every Christian who is willing to get off the couch and start using the mind power that the Lord has given to each and every one of us to start seeking this kind of knowledge. .

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