Looking in: what it means to look in

Last weekend I was watching a YouTube video on how one can gain spiritual enlightenment when I noticed a comment posted by a previous viewer: “I’ve been looking inside for a long time and I keep experiencing almost the same thing every time. I wish I knew exactly how understand the words ‘look within'”. This article is written for that viewer and for those like him who feel they do not quite understand when they are given the instructions to “look within.”

The main problem here is that there is much more to “looking within” than is literally implied by those words. Looking within (or meditating) is only the beginning of the process of spiritual integration and enlightenment; there are other important steps involved that hardly anyone tells you about. For example, if you keep looking inward but ignore the inner guidance you receive, or if your knowledge is never applied in real life, you will remain stuck at the beginning of the process and will see the same thing almost every time.

Several years ago, when my life was confusing and hopeless, I spent months looking within and frustrated with myself for not making much progress (in terms of reconnecting and integrating with my higher self, gaining a bigger and uplifting perspective, activating the flow in my life). , obtaining new knowledge, activating favorable synchronicities, making good things happen, etc.). But I got stuck.

Then there came a time when I got so fed up that I vowed to follow through with my inner guidance immediately and consistently, barring some kind of emergency. That meant taking some risks, of course: Your inner guidance won’t always agree with conventional wisdom or the typical way of doing things. But I didn’t care what most people thought; I only went for that.

However, it wasn’t until I made the commitment to follow through and actually did it (meaning I trusted my higher self enough to do it) that I began to experience the incredible power and amazing new ideas that began to flow into my life. I believe this it is what most people want to experience when they make the effort to “look within.”

One day after reading that comment online about looking within, a newsletter subscriber emailed me with this question: “Why is so little taught about integration with your higher self?” (In my opinion, integration with your higher self is what happens naturally if you are serious about “looking within” or “acknowledging your Creator” to the next level.)

Well, little is taught because few people are able to articulate in detail the integration process with their higher self. After all, how can you clearly explain something you haven’t experienced yourself? Even channel teacher David Wilcock says that if the process was easy, more people would already have integrated with their higher selves. For example, there are things that will trip you up and obstacles that you will encounter in the process that will test you.

Don’t worry if the process seems slow at first. It’s not something that happens overnight, and besides, everything worth doing takes time. But time will pass anyway, and where will you be in 6 months?

Although you will gain access to the process more quickly and easily by following the example of someone who has already been through it, it is not until you experience the magic of constant flow in your own life and the resulting elevation and inner peace that you will truly “get it.” “. So please tell me: are you ready to look within and take the steps to integrate with your higher self now?

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