Interview with Dawson Church, author of "The genius in your genes"

Interview with Dawson Church

author of The genius in your genes

Elite Books (2007)

ISBN 9781600700224

Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (4/07)

Today, Reader Views’ Tyler R. Tichelaar is interviewing Dawson Church, author of “The Genie in Your Genes.”

Dawson Church is the author and editor of many books. He has collaborated with such bestselling authors as Robert Kiyosaki (“Rich Dad Poor Dad”), Deepak Chopra, John Gray (“Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”) and Wally “Famous” Amos. He is the founder of the Soul Medicine Institute ( which researches and teaches emerging medical and psychological techniques that can produce rapid and radical cures. His new book, “The Genie in Your Genes,” pioneers the practical use of epigenetics (control of genes from outside the cell), explaining the remarkable self-healing mechanisms now emerging from this science. It has been hailed as a brilliant breakthrough by leading scientists and hit several best-seller lists within days of its release.

Tyler: Thanks for joining me today, Dawson. To begin, could you tell us a little about his experience and how she became interested in the ability of the mind to influence the health of the body?

Dawson: My interest in the subject really began when I was working as a freelance book editor in New York in the mid-1980s, when I became intrigued by what was then the emerging new paradigm of alternative medicine. I was also lucky enough to witness very fast, almost miraculous healings with energy medicine in cases where conventional medicine had failed. I edited one of the first books on holistic health care, “Heart of the Healer,” eventually earning a Ph.D. in Integrative Healthcare at Holos University under the mentorship of distinguished neurosurgeon Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D., founder of the American Holistic Medical Association. We are co-authors of a book called “SoulMedicine” ( that looks at the history of miracle cures from prehistoric times onwards, lays the scientific foundation for healing, and also charts a course for the future of healthcare.

Tyler: Could you explain a little more what you mean by energy medicine and an example of how it is used and how it is different from conventional medicine?

Dawson: Energy medicine and energy psychology work at the level of the body’s energy systems, electrical, magnetic, and quantum, to affect your cells and organs. An example of an electrically powered device is a pacemaker, and an example of a magnetic one is an MRI, which stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. They are energetic devices used in conventional medicine. However, it turns out that our cells are also affected by very small electrical charges, and these can be generated without technology, using techniques such as healing touch, massage, and the stimulation of acupressure points by hitting or rubbing them. While the amounts of energy involved are small, they can have large effects, as it turns out that emotional trauma is stored in our organs as an electrical charge, and that charge can be pushed towards health using energy psychology techniques.

Tyler: Dawson, could you provide our readers with an easy-to-understand definition of epigenetics?

Dawson: Epi means “up,” as a control above the gene level. Epigenetics looks at the various external influences that affect the ways our different genes are turned on or off, also called expression. The focus of epigenetic medicine is to move beyond the limited notion that DNA is the key to our experience of health or disease, and to look at interventions that we can epigenetically make to affect our health.

Tyler: Would you share with us a success story of someone who has experienced healing through the use of energy healing?

Dawson: There is a man named Hank Hadley who is very happy to have his story shared publicly. At the age of 10, Hank fell 25′ down a hay chute onto a concrete pad, landing on his tailbone. Multiple accidents over the years added to the challenges and pain. He has gone through 16 major operations, back, neck and even cancer. He has so much metal in his body that he sets off the radar detectors. In addition to suffering multiple major emotional traumas, several years ago Hank was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

As a result of all of this, over the years, Hank has taken almost every prescription pain medication on the market (including morphine) and has even become addicted to some. The addictions were so severe that he was forced to enter treatment centers. Sometimes he could walk from his house to the mailbox and back without crutches. He could not travel in a vehicle for more than 10 miles without excruciating pain and discomfort.

Today, Hank is not taking any pain medication. All symptoms of multiple sclerosis, arthritis and scar tissue pain have disappeared and pain is rarely a problem. When he started using Energy Psychology, specifically the technique called Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT, his pain levels (on a scale of 0 to 10) were usually between 8 and 9 daily. He showed great dedication to EFT and performed the EFT routine several times a day.

His pain is now minimal, and after a recent session, he did jumping jacks for video equipment. After 24 years of disability, Hank now works full time in a physically demanding job. He continues to use EFT frequently as new challenges arise in his life. For a full account and updates see:

Tyler: That’s a wonderful example. What does the EFT routine include? I understand that Hank “plays” frequently. Can you explain what tapping is?

Dawson: Acupressure and acupuncture use a system of tiny electrical and cellular channels within our bodies. The electrical resistance at the center of an acupressure point has been measured to be approximately 1/2000 of the resistance of the surrounding skin. When we hit these points, rub them, or use any kind of friction, we generate a type of electricity called piezoelectricity. It passes through these points of low resistance to the places in our bodies where trauma is stored, and people usually feel an immediate, visceral release of that tension. Used in a protocol like EFT that includes affirmations and a structured round of tapping, they are extremely powerful. Another simple but effective energy psychology technique is TAT, or the Tapas Acupressure Technique. These techniques can reduce the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol in our bloodstream and increase the level of DHEA, one of the main anti-aging and cell repair hormones. So, as you reduce your stress through TAT, EFT, or similar techniques, you produce a cascade of positive genetic and biochemical changes in your body. There are links to all of these therapies and others on the Soul Medicine Institute’s non-profit website (

Tyler: Dawson, recently the movie and the book “The Secret” have gotten a lot of attention. Are you familiar with the book and how do you feel “The Genius in Your Genes” is similar to or different from his philosophy?

Dawson: “The Genie in Your Genes” describes specific physiological processes that are biologically and medically verifiable. “The Secret” took a more metaphysical and inspirational approach. “The Secret” states that our thoughts produce concrete manifestations, and while this is generally true, the biological details are much more subtle. Some intentions have been shown to produce strong biological effects, while others have been shown experimentally to produce no biological effects at all.

Tyler: Would you encourage readers interested in “The Secret” to read “The Genius in Your Genes”? Could we say that your book is a more advanced version of “The Secret” that brings out the practical aspects of thought healing?

Dawson: “The Genie in Your Genes” is based on solid, credible science. It cites some 300 studies, mostly from major medical journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, the American Heart Journal, and similar publications. “The Secret” is a series of metaphysical propositions, while “The Genius in Your Genes” deals with hard biological facts. As it turns out, however, those metaphysical propositions can powerfully “land” on our bodies, producing measurable biological changes, especially in our response to stress, which affects every cell and organ in our bodies.

Tyler: Obviously, it sounds like “The Genie in Your Genes” has a spiritual aspect to it, and I know you’ve had spiritual teachers like the Dalai Lama and Deepak Chopra in your books. However, his training is very scientific. Do you think the fields of science and spirituality are starting to align more closely?

Dawson: Spiritual teachings have affirmed for centuries the value of disciplined thought and rigorous spiritual practice. Now, longevity and immunity studies show that these practices produce measurable biological improvements. Science is now showing the precise mechanisms that come into play as a result of spiritual practice. The idea that the two were ever apart was an illusion that is being rectified as science advances.

Tyler: As science advances, where do you think a greater understanding of epigenetics and the teachings of “The Genius in Your Genes” will bring humanity and all life on earth?

Dawson: Better health. Greater longevity. Less daily stress. More joy. Less autoimmune diseases. Longer useful life. Better relationships with parents, children and spouses, since we no longer represent our emotional traumas. In the big picture, it will bring less conflict between tribes and nations, as people will no longer project the emotional wounds of their dark side onto “the other”. By healing ourselves, we become agents in healing our communities.

Tyler: Where can readers go to learn more about “The Genie in Your Genes” or to purchase the book?

Dawson: Readers can visit for more information on the book. They can buy it at stores, like Borders, Barnes & Noble, or online.

Tyler: Thanks so much for joining us today, Dawson. Do you have any last comments you would like to give our readers?

Dawson: I have been researching quacks and healing, and writing about their work, for over two decades. I had never before seen therapies with the potential of energy psychology and energy medicine. You can literally live a stress-free life, with huge implications for your health and well-being. If you’re used to the usual long cycle of emotional trauma and physical pain, as most healthcare workers are, it’s surprising to see cases like Hank Hadley’s. If we love ourselves enough to release our stress whenever it arises, we create a better life for ourselves and everyone around us. I urge anyone in pain, whether emotional or physical, to take these simple techniques with both hands and see how much healing can be achieved safely and non-invasively with your beliefs, energy systems, and other epigenetic interventions. There is a good chance that you will feel much better than you ever thought possible!

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