How to get to the penthouse suite

Tired of hearing those “get rich quick” pitches on late-night TV or seminars those gurus talk about? Well, you should if you’re not achieving the wealth they’re talking about. So if you want to achieve the success and wealth you want, you have to prepare yourself for small victories. Those small victories will add up to a huge success, which in time will be the “Penthouse Suite” you dreamed of.

Everyone knows that there is “Pie in the Sky”, the riches and lifestyle that we all desire, but to be realistic before we dream of the “Penthouse Suite”, let’s go to the “Second Floor”. Perhaps that is the miscommunication in most real estate sales literature and the fact is that you need to understand the little steps you need to take to get to the second floor and once you get there go to the third floor and then to the second floor. fourth floor and so on and so on. You need an action plan that gets the “small successes” to take you to the next level, once you learn how to do it you will continue to progress all the way to the Penthouse Suite. Success is a journey. That’s certainly the case when investing in real estate, so on your journeys to wealth, let’s get over the initial hurdle.

Ask yourself these questions to see if you are doing the necessary things to achieve your goals:

Am I getting enough leads from my marketing and advertising?

Don’t keep your business a ‘secret’ and unless you ‘get the word out’ that you’re a real estate investor and open for business, the world won’t know you’re calling to buy their homes. Therefore, to get going as a real estate investor, you must have potential homes to buy in your business ‘pipe’. So focus on getting enough leads through your marketing and advertising to warrant appointments to view homes and sellers. From those appointments, you will close a certain percentage of those sellers.

Am I closing enough deals?

The only thing investors need to focus on with any technique or style of investing is not the 10-deal-a-month fantasy you think you need to have to be successful. Just focus on closing the first deal. That deal might take a month or a year, but the key is that you have to get this first deal to get the second deal. All successful investors like you started with the first deal and built on that.

· Am I making money with this?

You are not going to make money nor do you deserve to make money until you focus once again on completing that first deal. Another mistake investors make is giving up too soon. They spend a lot of time on one technique, whether it’s lease options, foreclosures, notes, rehab, or a number of different methodologies in the market and then move on to the next fad simply because they see other investors who are successful at it, while abandoning the only technique they started with because it didn’t come soon enough. It’s almost like the “flavor of the month” club. Focus is the key and once you master a technique, you can do it in your sleep. And if you can do it in your sleep and you can do it with ease, then you are making a lot of money. If you’re making too much money, you may want to branch out simply because you’re bored. It is critical to focus on the process and the results will be there, but don’t focus on the money. Money is just a by-product of your activities; the activities will generate the desired results.

· Is it too difficult to invest in real estate right now?

As an entrepreneur, you need to understand that you have to make money in “up” and “down” markets. The question is not “Is this the right time to invest in real estate?” You need to understand that starting a business is hard and your mind needs to know right away that starting your own business is really hard. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. You cannot start your own business with false notions. Investors must realize and accept this right from day one. This will probably be one of the hardest things you will ever do. Remember the old saying, “if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.” It’s also important to understand that you have to be optimistic and believe in yourself and have faith to know that you can succeed. Thinking it’s too difficult will likely discourage you from trying. On the other hand, some authors affirm that it is easy and that wealth is something that can be achieved with little money and little time. It’s not like that either. You have to understand this. The reality is somewhere in the middle, it takes more time and more money to be successful. So know this fact and know what is involved in success and you won’t set yourself up for unrealistic expectations.

· I don’t know what I should focus on to achieve my goals.

When you set clear goals and become determined and determined, backing those goals with unwavering self-confidence, you develop a game plan, or a list of tasks that you must complete in order of importance or priority. When you take full responsibility and accept ownership, without making excuses or blaming others, you experience a sense of control that leads to the personal power that is the foundation of goal achievement.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to ensure proper use of your time is to block off each week’s calendar to focus on critical activities. Start by listing your essential tasks as you plan each week, write them down and review them often. Be sure to schedule time for all the life tasks, the ones you don’t enjoy as much as the ones you like to do, before moving on to the “nice to do” activities. Those “nice to do” activities are activities you enjoy but aren’t necessarily your priorities.

You need to focus on the right priorities. One of the universal challenges for investors is managing the competing demands on your time. A common time trap is to focus on the things you love to do and put off activities that may be essential to your success but are not in your comfort zone. For example, you might set aside 10-11 am each morning to call prospects and 11-12 pm to contact referral sources. So that’s what you need to do because it’s on your calendar. Remember, “plan your work and work your plan.”

What are your monthly, weekly, daily, hourly goals?

What activities do you need to perform to generate those results?

How many phone calls, signs posted, flyers handed out, referrals given, letters sent, announcements posted, networking meetings that you attend each day/week/month for the sole purpose of making an appointment with someone who is in need of your help? services? Whether it be with sellers, buyers, investors, alliances (attorneys, mortgage brokers, real estate agents, appraisers, contractors, etc.) or others who can help you in your business? How many of those people want to have more conversations with you?

How many people are you calling who say “Thanks a lot. But we’re not interested.” and the call ends in less than 10 seconds? A thank you note will make you stand out from the crowd and if you follow up with a meeting or phone call you will further develop that relationship. You know Rule #1 in business. “If they like you, they will do business with you.” It’s hard to do business with people you don’t like or know. So take the time to build relationships.

How many people are you calling who you’ve talked to many times before, but never did business with you? Why keep calling people who don’t do business with you? Maybe it’s time to stop playing the game: “the person who dies with the largest database wins.” We live in the information age and it is a smart business decision to continue to update your database and send mailings (postcards, letters, etc.) to those prospects who are “undecided” and can use your services later. It’s also okay to throw out the names of people who don’t want to do business with you or aren’t available to take your calls. The lifeblood of a business is NEW customers, so if you’re not getting the calls you need to fill your sales pipeline, you may not be marketing effectively enough. It’s time for you to assess what you need to do to make your phone ring.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well and should be benchmarked against. Daily, weekly and monthly results should be recorded and tabulated. By blocking out time in this way, you can impose a little more discipline to increase the likelihood that essential activities will get done. If you want to get organized and make your life and business more efficient, get the ACT! Software 6.0, this helps you plan your business and keeps track of your sellers, buyers, and other key business relationships. This is by far THE MOST IMPORTANT SOFTWARE ON MY LAPTOP AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.

So if you want to be in the Penthouse Suite emulate Champions like Tiger Woods. His ability to focus is legendary. He knows what he wants and doesn’t stop until he gets it.

Tiger has a saying, “My will moves mountains,” and it means


* Dedication

* Commitment

* Persistence and Perseverance

Tiger knows what he wants. He has a goal. He sets goals, creates a plan, and then carries them out. Tiger believes that he can do anything if he puts his mind to it. Nothing is insurmountable. No mountain is too high. No river too wide. No golf course is too difficult.

And you?

What are your goals, dreams and desires?

What do you want to do with your life? What do you want to achieve?

There is an old saying: “When a man knows what he wants, he will move heaven and earth to get it.”

What mountains do you want to move?

Where is your focus? Your commitment?

When you do something, fully sell yourself and fully commit to it. Commit to making an honest effort learning the trade and the skills necessary to excel in this business. Don’t just be good. Don’t be better. Be the BEST and the best will come out of you.

Some people say, “You can be an overnight success in real estate investing.” That is completely wrong!!! What they mean is “for many nights.”

Remember that you need to keep telling your mind, especially when times get tough, why you are doing this in the first place. Remember, you are creating a better future for yourself and your family. Returning to work for someone else is not an option for you. Just visualizing yourself at the mercy of others controlling your life, playing corporate politics, driving 2 hours through traffic every day, asking for a raise you know you deserve but didn’t get, spending less time with loved ones and reporting to bosses. incompetent should be enough motivation to keep your mind focused on your goals.

So, in your quest to get to the Penthouse Suite, let’s use those “nights” (and days) to perform the daily tasks that will get you to the second floor and once you learn how to do it (the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc.) , then the Penthouse Suite can be reached in due time.

I hope this article helps you get on the road to wealth and I wish you all the best!

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