How interesting is vinegar?

Low vinegar, and we’re talking apple cider vinegar or brown rice vinegar, has a number of health uses. Standard white (grain) vinegar is distilled through a process that removes nutrients.

Many claims have been made about the benefits of vinegar, and it is a fact that vinegar, whether used as a supplement or as a cooking ingredient, provides calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and iron. It also does not contain saturated fat, cholesterol or sodium. Vinegar has been used as a supplement or medical treatment for thousands of years.

In addition to the results of using vinegar, it is inexpensive, easy to use (take alone, mixed with water, or in a dressing), and is not likely to cause adverse reactions.

Cider vinegar and brown rice vinegar appear to be useful as an antiseptic, nutritional supplement, and digestive aid.


Some studies have shown that vinegar is an excellent general antiseptic. A 5% vinegar solution (straight from the bottle) kills 99 percent of bacteria, 82 percent of mold, and 80 percent of germs (viruses) in household cleaning use. For personal health, vinegar can be used as an antiseptic for abrasions, to reduce itching from poison ivy or mosquito bites, and even to help rehydrate sunburned skin. Vinegar seems to inhibit the growth of microbes, it can help immunity in cases of allergy, toxicity, infection and even some food poisoning. It can be used to clean wounds, although it WILL ARM.

Vinegar has long been a staple in remedies as simple as vinegar and salt gargle for a sore throat, vinegar and honey for coughs, and vinegar rinse for dandruff.


We are all familiar with the feeling known as heartburn, and most of us will take an antacid like Rolaids or TUM, or ingest Mylanta in an attempt to decrease stomach acid. However, in some cases of heartburn and acid reflux, especially as we age, the problem may be NOT ENOUGH STOMACH ACID rather than very little. If the antacid doesn’t seem to work, you can try a tablespoon or two of vinegar a day.

Vinegar neutralizes many toxins that enter the body.


Vinegar is believed to be beneficial in detoxifying the body, breaking down various deposits (including fat deposits), and promoting the health of internal organs. Cider vinegar oxidizes the blood, helping overall health. Some studies have shown the benefits of cider vinegar in conditions ranging from arthritis to heart disease. While some studies have indicated a possible use of vinegar as part of a weight loss program, there does not appear to be any conclusive evidence at this time that vinegar itself CAUSES weight loss.

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