Discover the hidden danger of knowing everything about sex and learn how to really turn her on

Most of the mistakes that men make are due to their beliefs, attitudes and habits. Therefore, it makes more sense to look at the mindset that causes these errors, rather than trying to fix every technical mistake made. Also to you as a reader, I ask you to be honest with yourself to see if you recognize any part of yourself in the following description. When you find out what the reasons behind your mistakes are, you will be able to nip the weed in the bud.

Some men study everything about sex and the female body. The reason he wants to ‘work it all out’ is because, after an embarrassing experience, he has made it his mission to become a sex expert so he won’t face feelings of inadequacy again. The problem is that he sees sex as a performance, where he needs to meet certain criteria to be qualified to have sex.

They read all kinds of books on sexual techniques and search the internet for information until late at night. But he never seems to know enough, always craving more and more information while avoiding the real issue.

They see sex as something technical. They can tell you exactly what angle to penetrate a woman and what the best positions are. They also tend to freely share their knowledge like a guru with their friends or in a forum. Despite the fact that he possesses so much knowledge, her girlfriend is dissatisfied because he is not really with her, nor is he a dominating man who psychologically stimulates here to get excited.

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