
hidden agendas vs. full disclosure

I’ve been hearing a lot about “hidden agendas” and “conflict of interest” lately. I’ve been accused of dealing with these “challenges” on a daily basis with my corporate peers, but I’d like to keep them to an absolute minimum in this beautiful little town, as they usually don’t lead to anything good. Now, as far…


Create wealth through magic

Wealth is not something most people understand. They’re active? Is it money? Is it having many houses that pay you rent? Than. Us. Land. It is? Now that you’re completely stumped, let’s work in reverse. Let’s say a rich guy who owns a bunch of houses that he rents out loses everything in a month….


How to Find a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Finding a workers’ compensation lawyer is a difficult task. Finding a qualified and experienced attorney is an even more difficult task. After sustaining a broken wrist on the job, I learned that workers’ compensation is a specialty and that I was embarking on a search for a specialist In his field. This realization wasn’t exactly…


Ceramic Glazed Wall Tiles Price

Glazed Wall Tiles Price Ceramic glazed wall tiles can be a great way to add a splash of character to your home. These dazzling features are available in a variety of colors and finishes. However, there are a few things to consider before installing your new tiles. One of the first things to do is…


IFRS vs. US GAAP: pros and cons

There has been a debate about the change from GAAP to IFRS in the United States for many years. It is not yet clear whether convergence or harmonization is the way to go with accounting standards, but there are many benefits and drawbacks to the change. IFRS have advantages, such as the ease of doing…