
"oil extraction" – The Alternative Medicine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thanks Go

As a disabled MS sufferer, I have tried just about everything to reverse the debilitating symptoms of MS (multiple sclerosis): From Avonix, a ~self-administered~ ‘injectable’ prescription drug, pushed by ‘traditional’ neurologists, to ‘cortisone therapy’, another of the ‘traditional quack’ approaches, all have been disappointing. “Non-Traditional Medicine” and “Alternative Medicine” have afforded me countless options ~which…

Home Kitchen

dining room cafeteria

For large group feeding facilities (cafeterias, hospitals, prisons), the support area takes on a complexity rarely seen inside a table service or fast food restaurant. An institutional kitchen may require as much as 2,000 to 3,000 square feet of support area, because this is where serving lines are set up in a multitude of combinations:…

Digital Marketing

What does such mean in Spanish?

What is “such”? or what does “stories” mean? These are typical questions that Spanish students ask. It does not have an exact translation into English but I can explain it to you in different contexts. In the first case, it has a function of being demonstrative. The following examples could be replaced by the demonstratives:…


What is yoga and where are its roots?

Yoga is to search and discover the universal reality, following a set of physical and mental exercises. This truth is revealed when there is complete harmony and peace between the body, mind and spirit. In Sanskrit, the word yoga is derived from ‘yog’ which means yoke or union. The most contemporary rewards of yoga are…

Health Fitness

Eating disorder – Bulmia

Bulimia, or bulimia nervosa, is an eating disorder. It starts as a psychological problem. Over time, bulimia can cause serious physical medical problems and can even be fatal. People who are bulimic have binge eating episodes. After binge eating, they often use an inappropriate method of managing weight loss called purging. Purging can be done…