Create wealth through magic

Wealth is not something most people understand.

They’re active? Is it money? Is it having many houses that pay you rent?

Than. Us. Land. It is?

Now that you’re completely stumped, let’s work in reverse.

Let’s say a rich guy who owns a bunch of houses that he rents out loses everything in a month.

You made $50,000 a month renting (just an example) and you think you have wealth (assets).

When you lose everything, can you rebuild 80% of everything in 5 years?

I bet you think you can’t. And even if it could, are those really active?

Are you trusting that the markets are stable? Was he trusting those houses to hold their value?

What he didn’t realize is that he wasn’t directly using an ability to accumulate his wealth: he was relying on that physical rental property all the time to generate his income.

Think about it.

Wealth is all about having the skills that those properties bring you. If everything is lost tomorrow, do you have the skills to rebuild absolutely nothing?

I bet the rich guy doesn’t think so.

Most people consider wealth to be physical things. I have to disagree.

An earthquake hits, then maybe a tornado – how does that affect your wealth (your skills) when those rental properties are lost?

He literally has no assets or wealth considering it was all lost overnight. That is not wealth. And it makes sense, doesn’t it?

How does magic relate to all of this?

Most of the time we don’t think of education as wealth, but in a way it is.

It’s a job, it’s a skill.

You get the foundation through school (some industries are just built on self-knowledge), then you flourish that skill through your own hard work and determination – personal experience.

I guarantee that most people don’t even remotely think of wealth this way, and that is why most people don’t like to focus on using magic to gain money and wealth. Most don’t really see what’s going on, and that needs to change.

In most cases, they are guided to increase their skills, open their eyes to a new industry, or grow their existing businesses in a way that makes them a master of their trade.

I have been through many trials using magic to boost my financial life and have seen it all when it comes to life giving me shit, especially when it comes to developing myself and my work life.

I’ve seen businesses come and go, but where do they go?

The ones with serious long-term ability just get their income from somewhere else. They open another store or work in some other way. Wealth is a skill, never the physical things you have.

Physical things are just a byproduct of wealth.

So where do we go from here with our magic?

Work with the spirits to guide you to the right industry that you can master. If you’re already in a business, they can guide you to the right skills that you can use to increase your sales and therefore make a profit.

Did we go in a different direction with wealth than expected?

That’s likely because he had the wrong definition of wealth from the start. However, most businessmen do, and that is where the problem lies.

We try to model ourselves after those who are successful in the industries we want to thrive in, but what if wealth to them is different than how we think about wealth (and that is literally the case).

All you have to do is change your idea of ​​how to become invaluable to people. It doesn’t matter if it’s at work or in a business.

How do you get so skilled at whatever you’re doing that people just can’t ignore you?

You improve your skill set to the point that people gravitate towards you and love your work.

Here are some spirits that can help you do that:

Andreaphus – A breakthrough in life in relation to the business/career you should be aiming for.

Camio – Evokes knowledge regarding the skills you need to advance your business/career.

Sallos – Increases understanding of our industries in relation to becoming a master of our trade.

Many people think that the idea of ​​wealth only applies to business, but it also has a parallel in the world of work.

If one place fires or fires you, your skills are valuable to another place and they pick you up.

You may have to apply to that other place, but if you have no skills, how is anyone going to see you as valuable? Has no sense.

So really, it’s about increasing your skills to the point that people can’t ignore, which in turn gives you financial freedom in much different ways than people think.

You didn’t think of wealth like that, did you?

That is why I am sure that wealth turns out to be very different from what most people expect.

They are looking for ideas and money that come out of nowhere, if they have spirits to help them, and it just doesn’t work that way.

In my first taste of using magic to improve my financial life, I came across a new industry and was led to the right people to learn from, modeling what they do, then making it better. I learned and made my own system out of that – skills that, at the time, were really invaluable and I didn’t see it that way.

In my next career, I found an industry that was supposedly saturated, but it was nothing like what I thought. This industry was all about hard work and determination. It was under the illusion of a low barrier to entry (very easy to get in, but getting customers can be a pain), but it was very different than most people think.

It was a very surreal realization for me in that second career that it took incredible skills in a huge, highly paid market, crucial to getting basically anywhere in any industry.

Then, on my last try, I had the idea to do my ritual for the rental site. I have mastered open invocation (talking directly to spirits) and have had results for myself and others. This is not a common thing, but I talked to the spirits and did hundreds of rituals to master my craft where you don’t even hear what I do now.

That’s what I’m talking about; having abilities so deep and rare that it seems unreal to others that what you do is possible.

Is it something that is difficult or challenging?

Don’t think that way, or else it WILL be like that.

See how this works?

Develop your skills and follow your gut (and the spirits) and see where it takes you.

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