Are there real benefits to having pets?

Let’s talk about the unexpected and surprising benefits of having pets in your life.

Did you know that there is a powerful bond between animals and humans?

One of the most beautiful and unifying aspects of humanity is witnessing the extraordinary lengths to which some animal lovers will go for their animal companions.

No animal lover can not get it at all…yet.

So here’s the thing: They enjoy a deep, mutual bond and connection that’s hard to explain or define, but it doesn’t make it any less real or tangible.

Many people have learned the benefits of having pets. And a pet of any kind, be it a cat, a dog, a horse, a lizard or a bird that feels loved and safe, will provide great joy to its human being.

While some pet owners go to great lengths for their fur babies, throwing them elaborate weddings or birthday parties or dressing them in amazing costumes, even the simple act of acknowledging their loyalty and love for you is a gift that will reap a lifetime of rewards. .

Pets are a window to our soul.

One of the many benefits of having pets is when they show you who you really are. Lo hacen reflejando, reflejando y representando aspectos de su ser interior. And when you pay attention to their messages, they can help you become a better person.

This is the phenomenon I call The Human-Animal Mind-Body Connection and it is something extraordinary that once you understand it, it will change your life.

They have no capacity for rancor or cunning.

When you listen to them, what do they say about how you’re taking care of yourself…and them?

They will innately reflect your sense of health and well-being. They are attuned to your energy (mind, body, and emotions) and can send you messages about trouble brewing long before others can see signs of trouble.

And they can be a great comfort in times of stress, isolation or loneliness.

Health benefits of having pets

We’ve all heard clichés like: “Dogs are man’s best friend.”

But have you ever wondered why? The Lll Tell My Belief…

Dogs are faithful to lack.

Animals find joy in the simplest and smallest things.

They have no need for excuses or pretense, they are just being themselves.

They go to sleep without the daily worries and wake up each morning with a clean slate, ready to face the world with fresh eyes and fresh spirits.

Your optimism, resilience, devotion, determination and optimism are contagious.

However, many animals also have an innate sense when someone needs support. They don’t always assume concern… they just reach out to comfort a person who is suffering.

Not every dog, cat or horse will be a therapy animal that is trained for care in a hospital, as a service or companion animal in times of crisis…

But you should know that your pet is picking up your signals at all times.

Your horse will feel the tension in you and try to make sense of it, then decide how to help you with it.

Your dog will follow you around the house when reading negative energy trying to figure out what is wrong and how to help you.

Puede pensar que están siendo una plaga, especialmente cuando se siente agitado. He stops and receives the gift of their love for what it is, and talk to them about what is bothering you. You’ll feel better for it, and when you know how to talk to animals, they’ll be able to tell you what they think too.

Animals understand when things go wrong, but they lack the power to fix them…or do they?

The investigation has revealed that the link between people and their pets increases the physical state, reduces stress and provides joy to its owners. Some of the many benefits of having pets are that people enjoy:

  • Decreed Blood Pressure

  • Lowering cholesterol levels

  • Increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities

  • Decreased triglyceride levels

  • Decreased feelings of loneliness.

  • Greater opportunities for socialization

( Font: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Pets will not allow you to withdraw, isolate or protect yourself

It’s very difficult to socialize in today’s world…and that can increase depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation.

Your pet needs your care and attention during good times. They need to play with you, go for walks with you, learn from you. And, during the bad times, they still need all of those things, but they can feel that things are not right, when you are in pain.

When your dog becomes obsessed with bringing you a toy, or seems to be nagging you to go for a walk, listen to him.

They will often notice that your breathing has become shallow, your circulation is weakening, and your energy is failing…they worry. Time to take a break!

Time spent caring for a pet releases serotonin and dopamine, two hormones that trigger a pleasure response.

Pets are very intuitive creatures. And the more time they spend with you, the better they get to know you and tune into your ups and downs.

The Benefits of Owning Pets Go Beyond Heroic Rescue Dogs

We all have an image in our minds of German shepherds who find lost children in the forest, Golden Retrievers highly trained who have learned to feel the seizures in their owners, therapy dogs that visit hospitals to comfort patients …

But pets don’t have to be doing “heroic” acts to be a hero in your life, and they don’t have to be all dogs, either.

Birds, bearded dragons, horses and chickens make all the difference.

Believe it or not, watching your goldfish go in and out of their little castle for 10 minutes lowers your blood pressure and stress.


  • it forces you to focus on someone vulnerable outside of yourself and make the effort to attend to their needs, which helps you to attend to your own needs as well

  • takes you outside to get some exercise because, after all, enjoying nature and unwinding is vitally important to your own health and well-being, as well as theirs

  • makes you walk away from the computer and just play, light up, update and reboot so you can get back online

Whether you have an iguana, a beagle, a Siamese cat or a parakeet, you will enjoy the benefits of having pets in your life.

Take the time to learn how they communicate with you…they have ideas to share if you are willing to listen and learn.

Tell us about YOUR pet! Post in the comments below and let’s celebrate your love of pets and what a difference they’ve made in your life.

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