7 things to know about optic migraines

At some point in our lives, we experience headaches that come and go and are often so severe that our daily routines are affected. Often when these headaches occur, we also experience some type of visual changes. So we say, “It’s probably just a migraine.”

1. What is a migraine?

Migraine is a type of recurring headache that is very painful and usually occurs only on one side of the head. An aura occurs just before one of these attacks. An aura could manifest as visual flashes or spots or even ringing in the ears that are opposite the side where the headache is about to occur. The migraine attack may also present with symptoms of dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and double vision.

2. What is an optic migraine?

Unlike an actual migraine, an optic migraine also involves an aura that precedes a migraine attack, but no pain. This is rarer than the migraine that comes with severe pain. It is also known as acephalic migraine or visual or ocular migraine. It is a migraine aura not accompanied by headache.

Visual disturbances experienced are flashing lights that look like zigzag or “fortress-like” lights. These auras often begin as small visual marches that cross the field of vision and slowly fade. Attacks like these last from several minutes to almost an hour.

If it comes with a headache, the pain will continue in an hour. An optic migraine can also be experienced as a blind spot in the field of vision.

3. How sure am I that I am experiencing an optic migraine?

Migraines are usually diagnosed if the same symptoms are experienced over and over again for many years. It is optic migraine if the same aura is experienced. If there is a change in the visual pattern, it could be something more serious. A doctor should be consulted in this case.

4. What could be the cause of these migraines?

The cause of migraine is not yet confirmed, it remains unknown. However, there have been theories that these headaches are caused by allergies, temporary edema of the brain, and even endocrine disorders. One thing is certain, it is due to a disturbance in the blood circulation in the brain. Pain has been found to be associated with narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain followed by dilation.

5. What could be the most serious causes of headaches if they are not migraines?

Not all headaches are migraines, and not all visual disturbances are caused by migraines. There could be more serious causes that require seeing a doctor. Visual changes can also be caused by partial seizures, a retina in the eye could have been detached, a “mini stroke” or transient ischemic attack, multiple sclerosis, or even a brain tumor.

6. Who is most likely to get an optic migraine?

Optic migraines are typically experienced by more women than men in a 3:1 ratio. This is a disease that is generally inherited.

7. What is the common treatment for optic migraines?

Sedatives and aspirin are common medications prescribed to patients with this disease. Resting or sleeping in a dark room usually relieves symptoms. However, if the aural migraine is accompanied by severe headache, triptan injection or triptan ingestion or nasal spray provides relief. Beta blockers, antidepressants, and antiepileptic drugs are also effective for most patients.

It is important to recognize the aura that precedes the headache so that medication can be taken before the actual attack. This will prevent the pain from settling in. Biofeedback has been shown to be a good type of therapy for patients suffering from these attacks.

Keeping all this in mind, you would now know if you are experiencing a common headache or a royal blue migraine. Now, you could also determine if those strange visual disturbances are auras prior to a migraine attack or if it is an optic migraine.

The important thing here is that you recognize the symptoms that accompany the headache. Observation is the key. You need to recognize the telltale sign that you’re about to have a full-blown migraine attack or if you should seek medical help because it’s a sign of something more serious. Never take these headaches for granted, they could mean your life.

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