7 Important Keys to Making a Difference in Your World Today

I don’t want to die…until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and nurtured the seed that was placed in me until the last twig has grown: Kathe Kollwitz. Making a difference is the desire of many people but the question is how to achieve it. You can’t give what you don’t have. Building yourself up, increasing your knowledge, and acting on it will increase your chances of making an impact in your world. This article provides seven important keys you must possess to make an impact around you.

7 shocking keys

1. Trust

The ability to make a difference begins when you have confidence in yourself and your creator (God). When you don’t believe in yourself, no one will believe in you. A wise man said: “Trust is the backbone of conquerors.” Look at the word of God (Bible), believe and declare what He says about you. The word of God has power to build you up – Acts 20:32. God did not make you a mediocre or a failure. You are made to succeed and have an impact on your world.

2. Excellence

Making a difference requires you to be a person of excellence. It is like a golden apple in the middle of silver apples. It will make you stand out and attract men to you. So be prepared to excel in the areas where you want to make an impact. Daniel excelled a lot as an administrator. His enemies could find nothing wrong with him except that he worshiped Almighty God (Daniel 6:1-5). His excellence caught the attention of Kings (Daniel 1:19-21) and caused his promotion.

3 love

Nobody cares what you know until they know how much you care. For you to make a difference, you must be a lover of people. The human being is so selfish by nature that any manifestation of love from someone will not go unnoticed. It will always have an impact on the recipient and the people around them. Loving people requires some sacrifice on your part. But any show of love from you will always outlive you. For example, God’s love for humanity, in which he gave his only son Jesus (John 3:16), is still celebrated centuries after Jesus’ death and resurrection.

4. Joy and excitement

Joy and excitement are contagious. A person who expresses both emotions will always be making a difference wherever they are. A cheerful heart is good as medicine, but a broken heart dries up the bones – Proverbs 17:22. You need to learn to be cheerful all the time. Many people are already tense and bombarded with challenges that they would not want anyone else to add to their problems. What they need is a broadcaster, who can provide a lively and exciting person.

5. Integrity

Integrity combined with faithfulness is a powerful force worthy of great respect: Real Live Preacher. Any success or impact without integrity is dangerous and terrible. To make a difference requires that you be a person of integrity. This is vital if you want to maintain any impact you may be privileged to have on your world. Samson’s lack of integrity shortened his impact on Israel and the Philistines. Eventually his life was cut short as well (Judges 16:1-31).

6. Message

In order for you to make a difference, you must have a message that is different or more compelling and impactful than what others say. The human being is in search of answers to various questions. They will always turn in whichever direction seems most promising. Therefore, he needs to figure out your calling area and run with it. Jesus came with the message of salvation and continues to speak to this day, (John 12:47)

7. Test authentic

“Seeing is believing”, says the world. A wise man also said that only a fool doubts what he can see. Making a difference requires tangible proof of his message. When people see the positive impact of your message, they will surely absorb it and act on it. In other words, don’t just develop a message, also develop proof of its authenticity.

“I have come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that is as unique as a fingerprint, and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service. . – Oprah Winfrey

In conclusion, the most appropriate thing is to want to make a difference, but without the above keys, your dream will not come true.

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