Create an antique-looking horse carousel

Vintage carousel horses often sell for thousands of dollars. These beautiful creations, large and small, are wonderful additions to any collection. Collectors will pay almost any price for the true hand-carved horses that were once displayed on the carousels of yesteryear. Through the miracle of modern technology molds of these works of art have been produced. Great carousel horses have been recreated from these molds. In this article, I’ll show you where to buy them and walk you through the process.

Anyone with reasonable talent with a paintbrush can create an old-fashioned reproduction carousel horse. Unpainted or unfinished horse carousel molds can be purchased ready to paint. These molded horses are made from high-density polyethylene that is strong and very forgiving of the finisher. The artist may make the decision to purchase a horse with sanding seams at a reduced price or to choose a ready-to-paint surface.

Time to create an old reproduction. Please choose the size you want. Full, medium or small size horses. Full-size horses at 65 inches tall are a very big project. I have seen Elegant Standers and Royal Standers that really look like the horses that we would all ride or stand alongside. Medium-sized unfinished carousel horses are probably the most popular with artists and hobbyists. This size fits great in baby nurseries and little girls’ rooms. Most of the horses that I have seen available come complete with the brass pole running through the horse.

We’ll paint! There are many ways to finish a horse carousel. Most people like the traditional painted horse that recreates the memory of the Merry Go Round. Some artists may locate images of real horses where they are riding on carousels. Even the color of the tail, you can follow the image to recreate that special horse. Some painters like to reproduce the effect of a carved wooden horse. Special paints and techniques are available to mimic a real wood surface. Some artists have chosen to take this step a little further and add multiple layers of glitter creating an almost deep glass effect. Small images and material can be added under the glitter to get the desired look.

Creating your own horse carousel is a very rewarding project. The reproductions have sold for hundreds even thousands of dollars. I know of at least two small businesses that have been created by finishing and selling these horses.

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