Your top job ABCs

Reflecting on the ABC’s of your business can be an interesting exercise and a great way to remember all the different factors that come together to support an effective work environment. You may agree or disagree with these points, but enjoy reading and feel free to add your own!


Ability it’s an important consideration in our work, especially if we’re new to a situation, eager to impress clients, bosses, or colleagues. We must be careful about feigning competition; it’s much better to ask for help, be honest, or say ‘I’ll get back to you about that.’ Sometimes, if we lack a bit of experience, it can be mutually advantageous to train wedding rings with other complementary businesses and thus expand the range of goods or services that we can both offer.

Application. Was it Martin Luther King who said that if you’re a street sweeper try to be the best street sweeper you can be, no matter if seconds later someone throws trash on those clean surfaces? Taking pride in our work and doing the best we can, whatever it is, rewards us with daily satisfaction. Take pride in doing a round of drinks, doing the administrative routine, and signing that fantastic new contract.

appraisals they are important to everyone, whether they are held officially as part of a race or on a smaller scale. Set aside time for personal reflection, goal setting, and recognition. Give yourself credit for successes along the way – they can all be too easily forgotten or dismissed. But also take the time to identify areas of weakness that could benefit from some training or attention. Determine your next level of goals and set motivational plans.


hustle can be seductive. We all want to appear busy, successful, and in-demand, but being constantly busy and rushed can seem disorganized and chaotic. Use time management strategies like lists, designated times to check online, and a commitment to spend less time in endless meetings. Share your workload and let others help you.

breaks they are a valuable way to manage stress, which in turn benefits your health, well-being, and a clearer mind. Often, upon your return, you will be rewarded with new ideas or a different perspective on your situation.

Limits. Be clear as to why you work so hard. Yes, it’s great to be busy with meaningful work, but remember that maintaining your home, your children, and your lifestyle were often important factors in your desire for success. Allow plenty of time to enjoy those areas; your home, family, friends, hobbies and interests. Sometimes you may need to be firm and say ‘no’ if too much is asked or expected of you.

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Credit. Give credit where credit is due, both to others and to yourself. Unconditional praise and credit is important like ‘well done, great job’, without adding a demotivator, ‘remember to do it like this every time’, ‘wish you were always this good’! Don’t be overly shy about highlighting your own achievements and let others appreciate your skills and accomplishments.

Courtesy And good manners cost nothing, but they can make a world of difference in your relationships, reputation, and how others perceive you. Being courteous and appreciative of another person’s point of view is important, especially in tense or tense situations; people won’t remember how you behaved, if maybe you were angry, rude or offensive, but they will remember how you responded and handled their problems.

Communicate well, in every area of ​​your life. Keep customers and clients happy by providing networking opportunities, training sessions that reference your products or services, and newsletters. These are all ways to keep your business at the forefront of their minds and be seen as a helpful support for their success.

To appreciate your family and friends. Stay in contact. It’s too easy to end up exchanging information updates instead of really talking about your feelings or the things on your mind. Make quality time for family and friends. Mutual support comes from fostering good relationships.

committed and be prepared to meet halfway. Remember, you can win a battle but lose the war! Standing firm until the other person capitulates is not necessarily worth the pain or damage to the relationship. A compromise can allow everyone to walk away feeling that something positive has been accomplished.

It is always valuable to invest in the different parts of your life. In that way, you support your overall health, happiness, and quality of life.

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