Wing Chun Kung Fu Mind Training

One of the main things to do in Wing Chun is to relax. Without relaxation, you tense up. You get tired faster and you can’t move as fast as you should. Without relaxation, you’ll get caught up in the moment, and while you’re planted there, your opponent will hit you.

The same can be said for all obstacles in life. We would all like to spend every day without problems. However, this is not possible. At some point, you will face an obstacle. Sizes may vary, but they will always be there. Obstacles are part of life. After all, the first truth of Buddhism is: “Life is suffering.”

Obstacles are a part of life, but many people hope they are not. Then when they face one, they get stuck on it. “No… no! THAT obstacle shouldn’t be here! I’m supposed to get through the day without a problem!”

The same can happen in a self-defense situation. Imagine that you are a teenager again and the class bully confronts you. You can usually walk away, but this time you’re stuck. There is going to be a fight.

The stalker moves towards you and you throw a straight punch to his face. It looks like he’s going to land, but today is a good day for his reflexes and he blocks you. You think to yourself, “No! That’s not possible! He shouldn’t have been able to block me! I’m the one who takes martial arts classes 5 times a week! I have better reflexes than me! block me?” ?”

And do you know what happens to you? As you think about the fact that you shouldn’t have been blocked, the stalker is beating you to the ground.

That’s why you have to train to relax and be adaptable. You can’t get caught up in the moment, or you will be overwhelmed and beaten. It doesn’t have to be just a physical confrontation. You may have a project at work that you and your co-workers can only complete if you have a supply of 50 widgets, so you need to call the Widget Store to place an order. They say, “Oh, those are backordered. I mean, you can have what we have in stock, but that’s only 30.”

What are you going to do? Are you going to sit in the office complaining that you can’t get the amount you need? Or are you going to face the reality of the situation and find a way around it?

Having only 30 Widgets instead of 50 is the equivalent of the bully blocking your hit. It is the REALITY, and you have to act fast to deal with it. Wing Chun teaches you how to adapt in a split second when faced with the chaos of a self defense situation. With a little practice and guidance, you can apply this skill of adaptability to whatever obstacles life throws your way.

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