What to do when your boyfriend is crying

Most of us are not ready to know what to do when your boyfriend is crying. This is because we rarely see men cry. While there’s no textbook that tells you precisely what to do when your boyfriend is crying, here are some suggestions that have worked well for me in the past…

1. Keep quiet and let him cry his heart out.

Men are less likely to reveal their emotions in public. So if your boyfriend is crying in your presence, he feels really bad inside, he trusts you more than most people, or both. We are all human beings, which means that sometimes all we need is to have a good cry. Remember how things don’t seem so bad after you release your emotions? I know it’s unsettling to see your normally emotionally stable boyfriend lose his cool. But he remembers that he is a human being. So support him like you would support a girlfriend if she was crying too.

2. Make him a hot drink.

Remember how mom always calmed you down and warmed you up with a cup of hot drink? Recreate that space of security and comfort for your boyfriend when he cries. Since our problems and stress are more on our minds than anywhere else, he will calm down when he fixes things. All you need to do is help remind him of the good thing he has right now in his life: you and the hot drink in his hand.

3. Make a note to ask your boyfriend what calmed him down as a kid, so you know better what to do next time.

Since you’re gathering more information on what to do when your boyfriend cries, why not go directly to the source? Ask your boyfriend how his mom used to calm him down when he was a kid. Or what he would like you to do when he feels bad in the future. He may not have an answer for you. But there is nothing wrong with asking. If you know their family and friends well enough, take a chance and ask them too. The people who love your boyfriend will be glad that you care so much about him.

4. Stroke her hair or place your palm on her lower back.

Stroking your boyfriend’s hair and placing your palm on his small back when he’s crying are good things because they’re intimate acts. People don’t usually touch each other so intimately because it’s socially inappropriate. But since your boyfriend is opening his heart to you, it behooves you to do something that only a close friend or lover would do. After all, receiving human contact is an irreplaceable source of comfort.

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