What is the warranty period for the Atomstack Laser Engraver?


The Atomstack Laser Engraver is a small-format laser engraving machine designed to be easily operated by users with little to no experience. It is capable of producing high-quality images and text, as well as cutting and engraving certain workpiece materials. The machine comes with a user manual that provides detailed instructions for its operation and maintenance. It also offers a 1 year warranty against defects in workmanship.

The machine is powered by a 2.8W diode laser and can cut materials like thick wood, acrylic, plywood, PCB board, rubber, and bamboo. It can also engrave stainless steel and coated ceramic materials. Its laser is encased in an acrylic shroud to protect it from dust, smoke, and heat generated during operation.

As a beginner-friendly machine, the Atomstack can be used with both free and paid software options. The free option is LaserGRBL, while Lightburn software provides a more feature-rich interface and is compatible with computer systems running on the Windows, Mac, or Linux platform.

What is the warranty period for the Atomstack Laser Engraver?

A rotary roller attachment is optionally available to enable the laser to engrave curved and cylindrical workpieces like cans, pens, and tumblers. It can be purchased separately from the kit, or made using 3D printing technology. The rotary roller has adjustable knobs to accommodate different diameters of workpieces. The machine can be upgraded to an OMTech optical galvo head to improve the positioning speed and accuracy of the laser.

Users can control the Atomstack Laser Engraver using a 3.5-inch HD touch-screen controller that’s magnetically attached to its front. The screen allows them to manage offline engraving and set the machine’s parameters. It can also be used to view and download gcode files saved in either Lightburn or Laser GRBL software, as well as to monitor machine status.

Unlike other similar models, the Atomstack is capable of working without a connection to a computer, as it uses an SD card to store its data. This means that once you’ve finished setting up your project, you can take your workpiece to the engraver and simply tap on “carve” on the controller to begin the engraving process.

The Atomstack Laser Engraver can be upgraded with a honeycomb work bed to help protect the engraver from heat, smoke, and debris produced during engraving. This is especially important when engraving metal, as the process can cause the focusing lens to become hot and damage the workpiece surface finish. The machine can also be equipped with an air assist kit to prevent this issue. This kit blows the smoke and debris away from the laser, which can significantly improve its performance and enhance its usability.

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