What about ‘green’ baby showers?

Baby showers are one of the most exciting stopping points in a pregnant woman’s 9-month journey. And if you’re the baby shower planner for a special friend or family member, you can make it really special for her with a cool new theme idea: ‘Green’ Baby Shower.

Forget the ‘blue for boy’ or ‘pink for girl’ baby shower. How about the color green to mark this special event? Yes, you can plan a ‘green’ and eco-friendly baby shower and surprise everyone with this unique and thoughtful theme. So here are the tips to help you through the whole process of planning and executing the party.

Sending of the invitations:

Paper or printed invitations are completely ruled out. Design electronic invitations and let your creativity flow. Email the invitation to everyone and mention the place, time and of course the theme of the baby shower. On the invitation, you can mention that your guests should bring ‘green gifts’ or they can pick up anything and wrap it in recycled gift paper.

Decoration for a ‘green’ shower:

In this case you cannot decorate with ribbons or balloons. Instead, use potted plants to bring the room to life. You can also use decorative designer plants such as bonsai to give a special look to the place. Use recycled decorative material or you can go easy and use flower pots everywhere, and especially as centerpieces.

Do not use disposable cups or plates. Instead, raid your kitchen or mom’s kitchen or even ask the caterer to provide you with ceramic plates for the party. In fact, this would be a great time to bring out all that fine wedding china and serve people food on it. Don’t worry, guests are usually just as careful with china as you are. Nothing is likely to get crushed or broken.

Activity Ideas for a Green Baby Shower:

Team Activity: Divide the guests into two teams and give them the task of creating something. It can be a cake made with pinned diapers where they have to decorate the cake with baby things like toys, teethers, bottles, etc. The winning team would obviously be chosen by the guest of honor or the mom-to-be and will be the team whose creation she likes the most.

Individual Activity: For a smaller group of people attending the party, you can engage them in an exciting painting activity. Get all the equipment you need for a fabric painting competition and get your guests started. You can give them plain white baby t-shirts or even a one-piece suit and tell them to bring out their hidden design talents and decorate the t-shirt with fabric paint, buttons, string or ribbon.

Group questionnaire: you can suggest the possibility of a small questionnaire in the invitation itself. And ask them candid questions, from the names of fish on the brink of extinction to what they know about recycling at home. Keep it short and try to include fun questions. Another contest idea is a photo contest, where you can ask all the guests to bring their baby photos and everyone will guess who the baby is in the photo.

Collect the baby gifts right at the end of the party and, as a closing move, plant a tree or plant a plant in the name of the baby to be born. We hope these ideas will help you organize a great ‘green’ shower.

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