
Ringworm, also called tinea corporis, is an infectious skin disease caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes. This disease is usually transmitted through direct contact with ringworm-infected animals or with humans by sharing combs, clothing, or touching infected areas. Despite its name, no worms are involved in any phase of the ringworm process. It used to be believed that a roundworm caused or was a symptom of ringworm, but now people know better. However, the name stuck.

Common symptoms of ringworm are itching, burning, dryness, or scaly circular rashes on the skin. However, in the case of animals, the main symptom is temporary hair loss in the affected areas, itching or itching in a specific part of the body.

One of the main causes of ringworm is direct contact with infected animals or humans.

Ringworm is common among pets, especially dogs and cats, who transmit this disease from contaminated soil, kennels, or rodent burrows.

Ringworm thrives in humid conditions and commonly affects the scalp, toes, feet, thighs, and genital area. Prevention requires that these areas be kept dry and clean to avoid infection, and pets should undergo regular veterinary checks.

Ringworm is easily cured and there are several treatments available. At the first sign, see your doctor, who can prescribe mediation to treat and cure ringworm in 2-3 weeks. Ringworm may not appear right away at the time of contraction. In other words, it can exist as a contagious disease for a time before it can be detected. So don’t blame others if your ringworm appears before yours; You may have been the carrier in the first place!

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