The Crucible – A classic novel about witch trials

the crucible

The word Melting pot means pot, which is used to heat a substance or material in order to remove the basic elements. Typically, chemists and goldsmiths use this pot to obtain precious metals in their pure form. In a figurative sense, it also means the system and the severe situation. In this sense the title the crucible it is quite apt and relevant to the work. A title is like a store sign, in that the sign reveals what is available in the store, similarly, a good title helps the reader judge the themes and concerns of the work.

In a religious-political situation like the one depicted in the play, there can be nothing more difficult and difficult for a poor illiterate person. Salem’s existing legal system makes revenge terrifyingly easy. A radical accusation can throw a person to destruction. The judges, as well as the prosecutors, are just as superstitious as the people in that area. A cunning person can easily get rid of his enemies simply by accusing them of witchcraft. An extorted confession is easy. No one cares or investigates whether the accusation is true or false. So the figurative meaning of Melting pot justified by its crucial history.

The literal meaning of this word is a large pot used by witches in which they add dirty and hateful ingredients of devilish recipe, while boiling, their vapors or vapors invoke evil spirits. In the play we find Abigail with her friends in the woods where they have a teapot to which they are adding ingredients dictated by Tituba, a black servant from Parris. Here we can imply that Salem is symbolically represented as a melting pot where we find the development of intrigues, intrigues and traps at the boiling point of it. It is the biggest hype in the city.

The most significant explanation for his title is that John Proctor experienced the heat of severe and hard times, which resulted in his purging. As he faced the most difficult time of his life, he emerged as a better and more purified individual whose morality improved somewhat.

The course of events narrates that Abigail, under the accusation of being unfaithful and impure, has resigned from her job. This experience of hers embitters her and determines her to take revenge for her insult. She accuses Elizabeth of being involved in witchcraft. The only option left to Proctor is to confess to his adultery with Abigail, but in this revelation his own good name will be at stake. Proctor has to choose between the two difficult possibilities; one is to save his wife and proclaim himself a leacher, while on the other hand he leaves his wife. Proctor went for the former, but his confession was ironically overturned by his faithful wife. The situation turned grim and the Reverend forced him to confess that his adultery was the result of witchcraft others did to him. At first Proctor agreed, but a pang of conscience wouldn’t let him. He finally decided to give his life as a martyr in the name of his integrity.

Arthur Miller has appropriately named it the crucible because John Proctor achieved perfection in the end by leaving behind all his character’s vices and flaws. In this work there are also implications for the political situation in the United States. It also symbolizes the fight by which Americans brought democracy out of communism.

the crucible it is a social satire, a criticism of the negative behaviors from which positivism was finally born but things were never easy; people have to give their lives to achieve prosperity and improvement not only in their character but also in society.

the crucible it is a game of suffering and hardship that results in improvement, enlightenment and perfection. A man is never all good or all bad. He is a fusion of these two elements. There is an evil inclination, but with the process of life, a man or even a nation is distilled from impurities. In the man’s terms, Proctor gives his life to achieve spiritual rest; he left behind him a good name and preferred to die than live in meanness. Proctor’s final decision is approved and appreciated by his loving wife, who saw it as something missing from his personality and will now illuminate him more than ever.

Having examined the title of the work for various angels we conclude that the crucible is an appropriate title for the work. It fits the theme and the action.

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