The 10 best gifts for Father’s Day

What does “dad” really want? Is it something technological or is it something sporty? Well, it doesn’t really differ that much from dad to dad when you survey dads. It all boils down to these ten favorite Father’s Day gifts.

10. This is the best gift, but it ranks number 10 on our journey to get dad a new bathrobe and let him spend the morning alone. Give it a break on your Honey to-do list for at least a day. Let him enjoy the morning, before sending him off with the children to enjoy that special day with him. *note Mother’s Day gift from father is to take the kids out and give mom a break.

9. The next gift idea is related to giving him time for himself. A man always needs new balls. It is a fact that when you are on the golf course you are bound to lose a few balls.

8. A subscription to a “magazine” of your choice, but I’m sure you have a favorite, maybe about sports, maybe about technology, and sometimes with some bunnies.

7. Something electronic, not the same kind of electronics one might buy for mother’s day, although it might come with a controller, electronics for men is a must, a stereo or a big screen. if it’s controller less than it has to be great. Maybe an iPod recorded I LOVE U DAD. Well, I guess anything that’s a gadget, kids and their toys. There are notes like a new iPhone, or even a new Android phone. Trimmed with accessories like a bluetooth headset or bluetooth sun visor car speaker.

6. Anything gourmet, the fastest way to a man’s heart is anything he can eat, drink or snack on.

5. Tickets to a sporting event/music concert, remember that a Broadway show isn’t either. Throw in a few from number 6 during number 5 and I’m sure you can crack number 10 and add it to the to-do list.

4. Tools… and I mean power tools, the ones that make our lives easier. Like an air compressor so we don’t have to spend hours and hours inflating children’s pools and inflatables. Pressure washers to clean children’s toys or sand that left a trail from the sandbox.

3. Underwear! yes I’m serious Since you’ve been complaining about the holes I’ve been using in and now my trash shows every time I bend down to pick up the front yard paper. It’s not just a service for me, but a service for all the women in the neighborhood.

2. Let me watch the game on Sunday afternoon. What game, what does it matter, it will look amazing on the new TV I’m buying for Father’s Day.

1. Buy yourself something naughty and I’ll take care of it, if I have the energy after enjoying Father’s Day with you and the kids.

I wish all the dads the best Father’s Day possible, I hope they get everything they deserve.

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