Relationships: Should Someone Get Their Ex Back?

For whatever reason, it is possible that one has just broken up with their partner, which could mean that they are not in a good way. Perhaps one is experiencing a fair amount of sadness, in addition to feeling depressed from time to time.

There may also be times when one ends up becoming angry and even consumed by rage. Either way, it will be challenging for them to experience inner peace at this time in their life.

a different result

Alternatively, one could be relieved that their relationship has arrived and this can mean that they have no problem accepting the present moment. However, this does not mean that they will never feel sad.

The big difference is that what has happened will not have had a great impact on your inner world. This can allow one to make a fairly smooth transition from one stage of their life to another.

The reason

What this may show is that this person was not in a relationship that was very satisfying. One would have come to see that their time together had come to an end and this will make it easier for them to put this phase of their life behind them.

If one was in a relationship that wasn’t very fulfilling but it’s not in a good way, it may be a sign that something else is going on for them. Perhaps you were carrying a lot of emotional pain before you entered into this relationship, and therefore the end of the relationship has brought it to the surface.

another scenario

On the other hand, if you feel good but your relationship was going well, it could show that you have disconnected from your pain. So you can believe that you are fine, just like the people in your life, but this will be an illusion.

And, if one’s relationship was going well and they are in a lot of pain, what is happening to them will be perfectly normal. They will have experienced a loss and this will have caused them to experience grievance.

A process

It is unlikely that they can think of how to get out of what is happening; what they will probably have to do is feel the output. This will then be a time where you will surrender to how you feel rather than trying to change how you feel.

Accepting how they feel and allowing themselves to scream the pain inside of them will surely help. If they are women, it may be easier for them to do this than if they are men, due to the fact that it is often more acceptable for a woman to express her emotions.

Interruption Year

No matter what you are going through at this point in your life, you may end up listening to your ex. This could be a time where your ex is basically asking if you would like to get back together.

Conversely, a mutual friend might end up asking if you’re going back with your ex, after your ex has asked you to find out. This could be the last thing they wanted to hear, or it could be something they are very happy to hear.

The next step

If one is not interested in getting back together with their ex, it can be easy for them to make that clear and for their ex to get this message. Your ex will then leave you alone if you respect them and have good boundaries.

At the same time, after having asked this, one might end up feeling confused, not knowing what to do. What this will likely show is that they are experiencing internal conflict.

self reflection

One thing you can do is think about what your relationship was like before and if you want to experience more of the same. If they were in an abusive relationship or even if it had run out, there will be no reason for them to restart the relationship.

If everything was going well or there was just a minor issue, then it might be a good idea for you to get back together with your ex. In addition to thinking about what your relationship was like, it will be important for you to tune in to yourself.

self awareness

By tuning in to what is going on inside of them, they will be able to see which parts of them want to come back and which parts don’t. If you find that you feel a strong tug on your chest to go back to them, it could show that you feel abandoned.

In this case, your need to get back together with your ex may stem more from avoiding how you feel than from being with someone you really want to be with. Being with your ex may make you feel better in the short term, but it won’t help you in the long run.


Which this illustrates how important self-awareness is when it comes to making a good decision. Without this, someone may end up making a decision that they will end up regretting.
If one can see that they are in a lot of pain and it is not possible for them to handle this pain, they may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

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