Personal Development, Growth And The Achievement Of Your Goals

What exactly is personal development and growth?

Personal development in a nutshell means taking action to improve those areas of your life with which you are dissatisfied and unlocking the POTENTIAL that lies dormant within you.

We all have dreams and aspirations, but very few of us fulfill them. There are so many reasons why we don’t become the person we want to be that it can be hard to know where to start.

The main contributor that prevents you from being successful is negativity!

Negativity breeds procrastination, and procrastination is the mother of failure. Many people dream of things they want to do and become, but they always put off any action to achieve their dreams, until tomorrow. It’s true what they say “tomorrow never comes”. Today was tomorrow yesterday!! Life is very short and the years go by fast. It’s time to take action right now.

Another reason why people don’t act is fear.

Fear of failure, of the unknown, of leaving the comfort zone and taking risks. All the great achievers have taken their chances, many have burned and crashed, only to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and soar to great heights. They were able to achieve success because they banished fear from their minds and had the courage of their convictions, they could actually envision success.

Do not blame yourself

It’s not entirely your fault that fear and procrastination are keeping you from becoming the person you desperately want to be. There is so much negativity in the world today, it’s no wonder that, like many of us, you, whether you’re aware of it or not, have probably absorbed some of it into your thinking. Even your close friends and family may have contributed to your failure to take action by warning you of the risks involved in following your heart and pursuing your dreams. Even though they did it out of love and concern for your well-being, don’t listen to them, they’re not you!

Success is a good thing!

Even cultural differences can affect the way people think about success. In America, for example, success is applauded and encouraged, while here in the UK the emphasis is on honest hard work, appreciation for the job, and general acceptance of average wages and long hours. . Success is seen as something that only a few, be they highly educated or privileged people, can achieve.

Good grades do not guarantee success

Obviously, getting good educational qualifications can only be an advantage when looking for a job, but it is not vital to success. Many successful people throughout history have achieved personal success even though they did not achieve academic success. Richard Branson dropped out of education at 16, Bill Gates who founded Microsoft dropped out of college, Walt Disney dropped out of high school at 16, Henry Ford dropped out of school at 16, Benjamin Franklin one of the founding fathers of the United States United and a brilliant man, he only spent TWO years in school. He went on to achieve incredible success. His upbringing came from real life, from LIVING life.

You CAN achieve your dreams

OK, not everyone can be rich and successful, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. Whatever your age, gender or race, you CAN change your life. Start thinking positively, focus more on what you want out of life. Start BELIEVING in yourself and take action RIGHT NOW – TODAY!

It can be a little scary to make changes in your life, and you’ll need a helping hand to get organized, but don’t panic, help is available. Go ahead do it this year TEA year in which you begin to move towards your dreams.

Click on the link below for more information

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