Navy SEAL workouts burn belly fat, but are they for you?

Navy SEAL workouts are superior for burning abdominal fat and building functional strength. However, the knock against them is that they don’t build muscle size. To me, this is NOT a legitimate complaint.

Last week, some friends and I finished our workout at the gym and were discussing what we could do to improve our strength. One of the guys suggested chipping in a couple bucks each and buying a Navy SEAL workout DVD to get some ideas for putting together a routine. This sounded like a great idea to me, but our other friend said, “Those SEAL workouts aren’t good for anything other than getting you in shape.”

What what? Isn’t that what we wanted to do? What I wanted to say was that we would be stronger though, we would burn belly fat, we would be more defined… but no wouldn’t be BIG.

Right there is the crux of the polarized opinion and the two decisive arguments for using (or not using) Navy SEAL workouts in your personal fitness program.

What exactly are Navy SEALs…and what do they do?

The United States Navy SEALs are an elite commando combat unit that engages in covert combat operations. SEAL is an acronym for Sea, Air, Land… the three environments where these small teams gather intelligence, destroy targets and perform rescues, all undetected. Their missions include small unit patrolling, high speed boat operations, combat swimmer operations, urban warfare, SDV and dry deck operations (using small mini-subs to launch from a main submarine), and even warfare operations. winter. They work in small two-man units, up to a platoon of 16, in harsh elements of heat and cold.

How are Navy SEALs trained in their training programs?

These special forces are trained in extreme hot and cold environments. Its conditioning takes place in jungles, deserts and urban environments. Everything is centered around its mission objectives of unconventional warfare, counterterrorism, special reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, and direct action. Simply put, Navy SEAL fitness is geared toward maximizing mission-related performance. They must be able to carry a substantial amount of equipment, in addition to two weapons and ammunition, over varied, rugged and unforgiving terrain. (Loads from 70lbs to 80lbs per man are standard.) Jump fences, walls and blown up buildings. Swim long distances with and without tips. Handle heavy equipment underwater and on land, and climb up and down rope cargo nets or caving ladders.

What are the main components of your workouts?

Running, swimming and bodyweight exercises are the staple of conditioning for this elite combat unit. Volume sets (such as 10×30 push-ups, 10×20 dips, or 10×10 pull-ups) are the backbone for maintaining and increasing functional strength. Swimming and long-distance running are combined with speed interval training in both. The exercise is continuous with relatively short recovery breaks.

How does Navy SEAL training suit you?

The conditioning routines followed by Navy SEALs expend a large number of calories. They want to be as lean and strong as possible to complete the arduous tasks of their missions. If your personal training program focuses on lifting 300 pounds, deadlifting 400 pounds, or gaining 15 pounds over a 6-month period, this training program will only frustrate you. However, if you intend to burn abdominal fat, increase your muscular endurance, and elevate your functional strength, it will be worth committing to Navy SEAL workouts.

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