Mentally prepare for (really) great workouts

Why do you sometimes have great workouts and know you’ll have them as soon as you get out of your car to hit the gym? And how do you think your fitness level and fitness would be affected if you had more of these types of workouts, most of the time? (I know you feel the kind of progress and improvement you would enjoy!)

Is there a special “secret” to experience this type of training? Some magical motivational “pill” you can “take” that allows you to zone yourself mentally, so that you’re naturally set to express consistent, determined, high-energy training efforts?

Actually, there is. And I’m about to detail a proven training excellence prep strategy that you can use to incite max effort and drive, every time you train.

My name is Pete Siegel and I am the nation’s leading peak performance and sports hypnotherapist. For 27 years, I’ve worked with professional athletes and powerhouses in business and entertainment on their mind game, helping them program subconscious frameworks that move them, over and over again, to generate maximum performance and impactful results. (Feel free to check out my voluminous list of high-profile clients at [].)

And as a prolific and well-published personal development author, I’ve detailed numerous pre-workout preparation strategies for success in my books and magazine articles over the years. So let me give you a solid, easy-to-apply process you can use to start making training consistency, maximal training effort, and decisive improvement your personal standard:

A.) Isolation and connection with a Mega-Workout memory

After you park and turn off the car, before you get out of the car to enter the gym, gently close your eyelids and take a deep breath in through your nose. Then exhale slowly through your mouth. Next, recall the last workout where you fully knew, sensed, and felt like you were going to have a great workout…before you even entered the gym. There was an uplifting sense of drive in your heart, and an eager passion flowed through you, motivating you to take motivated action and succeed. (And then you had an amazing total success effort workout!)

Once this memory becomes specific and clear, mentally enter the image and your body. And then allow yourself to think, feel, and breathe exactly as you did during this specific time of “eager transmission of passion.”

Go ahead and really think what you thought, feel what you felt, and breathe exactly as you breathed. And while you think, feel, and breathe in this way, choose a word that you feel represents you as this “eager passion that wells up” and mentally exclaim silently three times in a row. (i.e. “Strength”, “Power”, “Confidence”, “Drive”, etc.)

B.) Previous programming of behaviors of excellence in training

Now, I want you to imaginatively experience yourself as the full embodiment of this “eager passion transmission” by performing a full set of an exercise that you will perform during your training.
You’re not just “visualizing” here – you’re performing the exercise on purpose and using the weight (or movement) to directly work the muscles you’re training through the full range of motion. (Decide which exercise or cardio movement you will perform in your head.)

Next, mentally exclaim your keyword. Then, imaginatively engage your set (weights, machine, or cardio)…feeling mentally locked in, determined, and fully working the body part you’re training during each rep of the full set. If you are visualizing a cardiovascular movement (ie Stairmaster, treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical trainer, etc.) clearly imagine about 45 seconds of yourself generating a concentrated and fully resolute effort.

C.) Link your maximum success result

Having completed phase B.), now shift your consciousness so that you are imagining looking at your body in one of the mirrors in the gym. And I want you to clearly experience your body specifically reflecting the shape, detail, and proportion that you are aiming to produce with all of your training efforts. Yes; mentally experience that you possess and reflect the desired end result… as if this specific physical shape, detail and proportion were your actualized fact, right now!

And as you clearly visualize yourself reflecting this ultimate and vital physical form, say to yourself (and mean it): “Yes, this is what my efforts today naturally compel me to accomplish; creating this physical form totally ignites my determination… and my total commitment to succeed, right now!”

D.) Re-acclimatize and then do it

Now, let your eyelids open slowly, take a deep breath, grab your gym bag… and voila!
After doing it a few times, this entire AD process should take you 3-4 minutes total, hardly a high price to pay for moving towards motivated maximum effort, workout after workout. Each time you use this AD strategy as described, it will become easier to perform and your results will become more profound.

One last note, make sure you do a thorough and proper warm-up before doing any training; make this a rule of thumb. And I also encourage you to mentally exclaim your chosen keyword before doing each individual set of your workout. This will serve to reinforce a connection between purpose, mission, personal success, and your training efforts.

Well, there you have it. Don’t just “expect” him to have quality, motivated training; do something to make sure. And by applying the strategy I’ve outlined… YOU WILL!

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