Learn to motivate yourself

Let me ask you, if you had all the motivation in the world, what would you be able to accomplish?

I bet the answer is along the lines of – “anything”.

In fact, one of the most important ingredients for success is motivation.

The problem most of us face is that it is difficult to get that initial momentum to take the action that we know we should be doing in order to be successful. In just a moment, you’ll discover how you can use a proven technique to harness all the energy you need to do what you want and learn to motivate yourself.

You probably already know that there are many books on motivation and also many motivational speakers that leave you feeling energized after reading or listening to them. Only to be disappointed the next day for not being excited or much less motivated any longer.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was only one easy thing you could do that would motivate you?

I know how difficult it is to motivate oneself, for example, to study. And it was during the time that I was studying web design that I discovered this motivation technique.

Before one of the exams, which had to do with preparing a website where the different elements are defined and listed, it occurred to me.

The main reason I found it difficult to study was because of the overwhelming feeling I had about the whole homework. It seemed too big to handle. I felt like I didn’t have the energy to complete it.

Then I realized: anything in life can be divided into different elements or steps. So each step is easier to manage because it’s a smaller thing to deal with.

Let’s look at an example on how to create the necessary motivation to exercise. Let’s make a list of things you must do to exercise. You have to:

1. Get in your car

2. Drive to the gym

3. Get dressed

4. Get on the first machine

5. Move on to the next machine…

6. Take a shower

7. Go back to your car

8. Come home and feel good

Now the secret to the success of this technique is that once you have this list you just focus on the next step.

In other words, point 1: Just focus on getting in your car. The garage is probably not far. There is not much energy waste there. Then just focus on driving and so on.

Before you know it you would have completed the task and it would not have seemed like an insurmountable task.

After years of applying this technique to most of the tasks I do. Especially the ones I don’t like too much. I have noticed that I am much more productive than I used to be and also much more successful and happy.

Now when you tell people about this technique, they will tell you that it seems like even more work. Which is true, you have to spend fifteen minutes preparing the list. But the long-term benefits far outweigh the little time you need to put together your list.

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