Interesting facts about breakfast

According to a Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital study of children in schools in Philadelphia and Baltimore, students who typically ate breakfast at school had better math grades, higher standardized test scores, fewer absences and tardiness, less hyperactivity, and better social relationships compared to children who rarely ate school breakfast.

The word “breakfast” literally means breaking the fast. As we know, fasting is the act of not eating for a period of time. Us
You may not see it this way, but we practically fast in our sleep, even if we dream of food. The act of eating breakfast is literally breaking the fast!

The National Weight Control Registry is a database of over 3,000 people who have lost at least 60 pounds and kept it off for at least 6 years. Seventy-eight percent of these people in the registry found that eating breakfast every day was a
excellent weight management strategy along with a low-fat diet and exercise for an hour or more every day.

Cereal is the number one food item bought in supermarkets today. The first breakfast cereal was created in 1863 in New York by a vegetarian.

So what is a healthy breakfast anyway?

Is it maple syrup slathered pancakes or green eggs and ham? Well, first of all, a healthy breakfast should be a
Balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Fiber is also very important. Protein can come from meat, eggs, beans, or soy.
products Fiber can be found in whole grains, grains, or fruits. Sure, from time to time you can treat yourself
to cookies, pancakes or cakes for special occasions but in everyday life, they should be avoided together with sugary
cereals and white breads. These foods will bring your blood sugar insane, knocking you out of the Zone. Those
types of food are quickly digested and will leave you hungry and tired in just a couple of hours.

Research by Cardiff University’s School of Psychology, led by Professor Andrew Smith, has shown that eating breakfast helps children do better in school than those who skip the first meal of the day. Dr. Smith says it is
Of course, starting the day with cereal enhances mental, cognitive and physical capacity. Children are less emotionally distressed, less tired, and less anxious. The study examined 213 children ages 4 to 11.

The results revealed that children who start the day with cereal are:

9 percent more alert

11 percent less emotionally distressed

13 percent less tired

17 percent less anxious

10 percent less likely to have memory and attention span difficulties than those who skip breakfast

33 percent less likely to have an upset stomach.

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