How to sell your house without a real estate agent

You can sell your house without the need of a real estate agent. Really. Normally, if you sign a contract with any real estate agency, the average terms are as follows; The duration of the contract will be six months. The agent you sign with will receive a commission of 6% of the selling price of your home. If your house sells for $200,000, the agent will get $12,000 and you will only get $188,000. Surprise!

Here is a real deal. Let’s say you get involved with a lazy real estate agent. Maybe your agent doesn’t have any buyers waiting in the wings. I’m sure any agent will work diligently for a week or two to sell your house. After that, your agent may start to lose interest and hope that another agent somewhere in our country will bring the buyer. If so, your agent will receive a 3% commission anyway. The moment their agent loses interest, they move to another property and drop their deal entirely.

Here is the problem for you. Number one, your property is tied up for six long months. If your agent loses interest in your property, you are a boiled goose. You have signed a contract with them and now you are at their mercy.

Number two, now you have no choice but to wait six months. Sure, she can yell at his agent to vent, but they’re charged with it and no real harm will be done.

Number three, during this period of time, you will no longer own your home and you will not own it for the next six months. He may be able to rent his house, but all the agents will advise against it and tell you that it will be difficult to show his house on the tenants’ schedule. They will also tell you that a rental house will not show up as well. All of which are true.

You can also sell your home yourself, while it is under contract. However, if you don’t have that exception written in your contract before you sign, you may still be responsible for the full 6% commission. Think before you sign on the dotted line.

Those are some of the problems you can run into when dealing with a real estate company. I have a simple solution. Sell ​​your house yourself. Now, this thought may sound scary to you, but I’m going to explain exactly, step by step, how to do it later. I personally flipped twenty-nine houses and sold another eighteen houses and not once did I use a real estate company. Never! And neither should you.

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