How To Practice Green Real Estate While Saving Cash At The Same Time

A major problem that is negatively influencing both the environment and the financial situation of people around the world is the rapid increase in energy consumption. Electricity bills have become a major part of total spending for most people around the world. A cost-effective way to reduce energy consumption and promote environmental preservation is sure to kill two birds with one stone. Here are some tips for the same:

Manage an energy audit

Identifying the main source of energy consumption in your home can go a long way toward reducing your electricity bill. Once you figure out which of your appliances is consuming the most energy, you can limit their use. Not everyone knows the correct way to perform the energy audit, so you can always hire a professional for the job. This will prevent any health hazards that may occur while handling unfamiliar equipment.

Replace incandescent lighting

One of the biggest consumers of energy are incandescent bulbs. You should replace them with compact fluorescent bulbs, as they will help you save up to 44% of energy consumption. Another way to reduce energy consumption is by cleaning the bulbs, as dust can reduce the light output by at least 25%.

Change kitchen appliances

If you notice a sudden increase in energy consumption, the first thing to do is replace all your old appliances with new ones, as they will consume less energy. Also, if you are using an oven for baking, switch to a microwave, as microwaves use 40% less energy and will not heat your kitchen in the process.

Create a hot-cold balance

Another way to limit energy consumption is by using a programmable thermostat. This allows you to enjoy ideal temperatures without increasing your electricity bill. Also, it is recommended that you install a ceiling fan and AC, because ACs consume a lot of power. You can also insulate your water heater with a water heater jacket. This will keep the water warmer for longer and avoid the need to turn the heater back on.

Invest in a recycling station

Instead of throwing out the trash, what if you could recycle it and reuse it in your backyard? This eco-friendly practice is available to you if you install a recycling and composting station in your home. As a result of this, you will not only help the environment by avoiding improper garbage disposal, but you will also reduce your expenses of buying the same items repeatedly.

In today’s smart age, no one wants to be the one to cause environmental degradation. The steps mentioned above will not only help you protect the environment, but will also reduce your overhead.

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