How to go from a flabby belly to perfect abs

All over the world, especially in the West, where people tend to be larger and heavier than the normal average person, millions of people are wondering how to lose belly fat. Surprisingly, an increasing number of men are concerned about having bellies that hang above the waist. A flat six pack is a sign of good health and a measure of sexual prowess, which is why more and more men are working hard to achieve it. Unfortunately, many are doing the wrong exercises or eating the wrong foods that aren’t helping them in their quest for ripped abs.

Combine cardio and strength training

A good exercise regimen that includes a variety of exercises would be the best way to start. This should include sixty minutes of cardio to increase your metabolic rate every other day, interspersed with forty-five minutes of strength training. Cardiovascular exercises include but are not limited to walking, running, cycling, as well as a variety of exercises that can be done in a gym including rowing, cross training, and aerobics that get your heart racing and blood pumping. Doing numerous sit-ups, crunches, and other abdominal exercises will not get rid of your lower abdomen but will only toughen it up. The secret is to combine fat burning cardio with strength training and abdominals to get that lean and flat stomach that will be the envy of many. Don’t expect instant results! Keep up and stick with your routine and you’ll be well on your way to the abs of your dreams.

Don’t forget about yoga

Other new age exercises that help get rid of belly fat include Hata Yoga and Vajrasana exercises that involve controlled body movements to achieve results. However, it is best to do it under the guidance of a professional instructor, as some of these moves can be harmful for a novice. Full-body movements that involve the legs, such as leg raises, where one lies on the floor and raises the legs 90 degrees, also help to trim the waistline, as it engages the lower abdominal muscles in an effort to maintain balance.

Variety is the spice of life

Martial arts like kickboxing, karate, and taekwondo help develop and maintain a flat stomach. Various types of vigorous dance, such as belly dancing, work wonders to help get rid of belly fat and are fun to learn and do. One can join a local class that offers these exercises or purchase instructional videos and learn in the privacy of one’s home. However, cardiovascular exercises alone will not help you lose fat. One must incorporate some level of strength training that involves lifting weights at least three times per week. This is because muscle burns fat, so when your body gains muscle, it burns fat even when you’re not exercising!

It’s important to note that lower belly fat takes the longest to go away and you’ll notice the rest of your body gaining shape and tone while the pot remains. Don’t give up, but stick with the program. Remember that perseverance pays and to break the monotony and avoid boredom, vary the type of exercises you do and soon you will be showing off your abs on the beach.

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