Home Water Filtration Basics

A whole house water filter, also called a “point of entry” water filter. This allows all the water that flows into the home to filter, including:

– The thermotank or tankless water heaters

– drinking

– Cooking

– Shower and toilet

– Drinking water from pets

– Your hose (if it is connected to the outside line)

– The refrigerator, ice maker and coffee makers.

– The washing-machine

What are the top 5 benefits of a whole house filter?

#1 The quality of your drinking and cooking water

You no longer need to worry about the quality of your drinking water. A complete home system will remove sediment, chlorine, and other important contaminants from your water. Each manufacturer and brand will remove different contaminants, so be sure you understand which ones are removed or reduced before you buy. Of course, it’s best to review your municipal water report before deciding which filter to purchase. Also note that some municipalities use chloramines to disinfect their water. If this is the case in your area, you need to be sure that the filter will remove the chloramines.

#2 Healthier showers and baths

Your showers and baths will be healthier because chlorine has been greatly removed or reduced. Chlorine in shower or bath water can cause headaches, dizziness, red eyes, and is a known carcinogen (cancer-causing agent). When heated, chlorinated water releases harmful gases known as THMs, which can be very dangerous to your health. For more information on DBPs (Disinfection By-Products), see our online Water Education Center. By filtering your water before it enters your bathroom, you can be sure of healthier, chlorine-free water.

#3 Extends the life of appliances that use water

The life of your water-using appliances, such as hot water tanks, tankless water heaters, washing machines, coffee makers, and dishwashers, will be extended because the quality of the water entering your appliances is free of sediment, chlorine, and many other contaminants. This can save you thousands of dollars in appliance replacement costs.

#4 Your hair and skin will look and feel better

After the installation of a whole house water filter, you will notice that your hair is softer and less tangled. Your skin feels and looks better. Even your clothes will be brighter with less fading.

#5 Remove harmful contaminants from water

Most whole home water filters will remove chlorine with greater than 99% effectiveness, as well as filter heavy metals such as lead, mercury, copper, nickel, chromium, and other dissolved metals, while preserving minerals. healthy as calcium.

protect your family

By installing a whole home system in your home, you are taking an important step in protecting the health of your family. Municipalities simply cannot keep up with the high cost of delivering pristine water. And even if they could, there would be no guarantee that the water would not be contaminated throughout the supply system. Pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals are all possibilities. For just pennies a day, you can provide your family with healthier, better-tasting, odor-free water.

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