Diets, Belly Fat and Exercise: 5 Simple and Stupid Things I Can Do

How many people struggle with their weight? Count on me. Forty pounds need to go. I’m quite an avid sportsman, but it’s overeating that’s killing me. Belly fat is my enemy because that’s where most of the excess weight goes. I have the best American beer belly and I don’t even drink beer, or any other alcoholic beverage.

I have read enough diet books to last many lifetimes. I just read a new one the other day, looking for that miracle cure and easy way to lose weight. Does not exist. Dieting is hard. Keeping it out even harder.
I had one of those blinding light moments in the middle of my last diet tome. I’ve decided that in order to lose the weight I’ve always been desperate to lose, I have to make up my mind to do these five obvious things:

1. Stop eating junk, especially sugar and high fructose corn syrup, and processed foods. At least cut them. Never drink alcohol.

2. Look for fiber in fruits, vegetables. nuts, breads and cereals. Avoid low fiber carbohydrates.

3. Choose protein throughout the day to prevent hunger pangs and to help boost your metabolism. And eat 5-6 smaller meals, and never, I mean EVER, skip breakfast.

4. Stop drinking large amounts of caffeinated coffee, to which I am highly addicted. At the very least, cut back by drinking only half a cup at a time and substituting green tea frequently. The caffeine really stimulates my appetite.

5. Exercise every day by doing things I enjoy like racquetball, climbing stairs at work over and over again, mountain biking, skiing, walking, and lifting weights.

It’s about clothes. It is very difficult to change the way you have done things for decades. And, doing that, and continuing to do it, is even more difficult. But I stopped drinking alcohol, so if I can do that, I can do this: lose forty pounds. I keep thinking how much better I’ll look, feel and perform on so many levels, not to mention maybe I’ll live longer. I have a lot to live for, that’s for sure.

Losing weight is simple: eat less and exercise more. The lightbulb went off in my brain the other day and I gave myself a dose of manly candor: “Stop looking for someone or something else to lose weight for you! They and it don’t exist. You have to do it for yourself.” and for yourself.” So, I’m not making any resolution, I’m just going to try to gradually change the way I do things. You want to lose everything right now, immediately. But, starvation and deprivation never work. And, by They usually cause you to gain even more weight, as if your body is retaliating against you for depriving it.It’s sick, but true.

I want to give a big shout out to Weight Watchers and the other extremely successful diet programs and support groups out there. Whatever works is all that matters. While my thinking may be hopelessly flawed trying to go it alone, I’m only giving you what I hope will work for me. I’ve decided to do my stupid-simple program, calorie counting be damned. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t. But I have high hopes and motivation, so I’m making hay while the sun is shining.

While pills do exist, and more are being developed as we speak, plus very risky and expensive surgeries to help you lose weight, I just won’t let myself go down that road. Sure, they can save many people’s lives, and I salute them. But I have to be myself and do it my way. Oh, and I sure don’t want the terrible diabetes. Did you know that losing weight can be a cure for this disease in many cases, but not all? Yes you can.

So, I’m thinking of just 5 simple things I can do to lose weight. I’m not getting any younger, and I want to enjoy the precious little time I have left. Why not get in the best shape of my life? It is definitely doable. It’s officially my new hobby.

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