Whether there is a strong or weaker real estate market (whether you are a buyer, a seller, or a neutral), one of the main reasons you need to watch closely and pay close attention to your selection of, and who, you hire, to What stands for you, as your real estate agent, is the professionalism and experience they bring, regarding how best to market your particular home. Given that, for most of us, the value of our home represents our main financial asset, doesn’t it make sense to proceed in the most efficient way? Discuss, and be, on the same page, regarding, CREATING the best marketing plan, to meet your specific needs, goals and priorities. With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is really important.

1. character; coordinator; creative; suits your needs: Hire an agent, with the quality of character, to coordinate the marketing of your home, in a creative way, that focuses on meeting specific needs, you prioritize, etc! This requires a combination of will, teamwork, focus, emphasis, and a service-oriented approach!

two. Important; sensitive; reasoning; realistic: This process should begin by taking a realistic picture of the property and creating a listing price, based on a professionally designed Competitive Market Analysis or CMA. This means looking at similar properties and using relevant data when preparing this essential component! An agent must explain his reasoning, so that the client and the owner can best proceed with the level of teamwork, necessary and necessary!

3. Ethics; efforts; energize; encourages: The Code of Ethics must be brought to life and followed in its essential nature! Agents must use all efforts, in a positive way, which energizes the process and encourages both their client and the marketing of a property in a way that elicits desirable responses from potential and qualified buyers!

Four. Attitude; attention; fitness; behaviour: A positive, can – do, attitude, looks for the best way to achieve, rather than, why will it fail! Doing so means paying close attention to the best way to proceed and moving forward, with a well considered plan of action! A professionally trained and open-minded agent combines these, with a relevant aptitude and skill set!

5. Teamwork; prompt; time tested: Agents and owners must proceed, with true teamwork and an understanding of the best ideas and time-tested approaches! Furthermore, they must avoid procrastination and proceed, in a timely and well-considered manner!

6. Integrity; inspired; involved: One must trust the individual one hires, and in order to do so, the agent must proceed with the highest degree of genuine integrity! You need to inspire everyone involved and get your customers and other agents involved and willing to fully participate!

7. Needs; highly strung; shades; niche: Identify the niche that best suits your home. Develop a formula/approach to best serve your client’s needs while bringing a degree of reality to the equation, having the courage to use the nuances necessary to achieve it!

8. Guiding; generate interest: Hands-on representation should generate more interest in the property in question and guide all aspects to drive the transaction forward! This requires a combination of patience, with a desire to serve others!

How will your agent serve you, CREATING an appropriate market, for your home? Carefully select, choose and hire the best person to meet your needs!

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