Can stage 1 hypertension be reversed?

Blood pressure readings between 140-159 systolic (the top number) and 90-99 diastolic (bottom number) are considered stage one hypertension. This graphic is relatively new as it was published in 2003. The initial stage is called prehypertension and the third part of the graph is stage two.

There are many problems that this condition can create. The kidneys can be damaged and so can the cardiovascular system. This makes it important to do something about it.

Causes: One of the most common causes of this condition is weight. Being overweight increases the probability of having high numbers. Age, race, medications, and other medical conditions are also on the list of causes. In fact, there are two herbs on the list. Rosemary and licorice cause spikes.

Changes in lifestyle: For the readings to drop to normal, some changes may be required. Reducing sodium and saturated fat are two that can be very beneficial. Weight loss, if it is a contributing factor, is also wise. If you are taking supplements, medications, or have any medical conditions, you should speak to your doctor. A change in approach to these problems can lower blood pressure.

Medicines: Yes and / or until the condition stabilizes, you will probably need to take medication. It may take time for your doctor to find the right combination of them, as there are several different types. As long as the situation remains unstable, be sure to stay in contact with your doctor.

Don’t be surprised if your doctor asks you to buy and use a blood pressure kit to take daily readings. They’re pretty inexpensive (mine is $ 15) and easy to use. Having readings on a regular basis will let the doctor know what needs have changed.

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