Avoid stress: 10 things that will make you feel better, part 1

Feel stressed? Join the club. The number of stressors facing our society on a daily basis has increased tremendously over the last 10 years, and with the speed at which we lead our lives, they are likely to continue to do so. There are many things you can do to prevent, avoid, and deal with the most common stressors in your life, but however you deal with them, be sure to avoid the following stressors like the plague. Although they may require major changes in your habits, you’ll be glad you did.

Here is a first list of 10 things to avoid at all costs.

1. television

It’s hard to believe, but television is one of the greatest joys to kill ever invented. Not to mention the ability to kill social interaction, what you watch on TV is a huge source of stress. In addition to some great crap being shown on an infinite number of channels, think commercials. The basic premise of good advertising is that you need to create a need by instilling pain, fear, or other negative emotions. The next time you see commercials, pay attention to what kind of negative emotion they are making you feel and what kind of solution to this problem that they have just created for you, they are proposing to you. You’ll see what I mean. Now, if you must, watch a sitcom that’s really funny. Turn off the TV after that.


Read only good news. Have you noticed how much bad news we are bombarded with on television and radio every day? Studies tell us that more than 90% of the news we hear is bad news. You are already stressed. Why accumulate negative stressors? Some people argue that you need to know what’s going on in the world; we need to be informed. Granted. But he might also know things later, when the buzz has died down. You don’t need more stress in your life. And by the way, there are good sources of information that are not so negative. Do a search using the words happy or good news.

3. Arguments

Don’t even think about starting an argument about who is taking out the trash, or who did or didn’t do something. Come on. This is not the time to seek equity. It’s even more important when you’re in a fighting/fighting mood, which is obviously brought on by your own stress. resist. When you are in this mood, the best thing to do is to retire to a quiet place until the mood wears off.

4. Caffeine

This is not the time to stimulate the adrenal glands. Avoid coffee, chocolate (even soothing hot chocolate), soft drinks (even decaf), or black tea. Replace them with herbal tea. Chamomile tea is very good. Anything decaf and natural is good. Soft drinks are out, especially the ones with sugar substitutes.

5. Rap ​​or hard rock music

There is definitely a time and a place for this type of music and when you are not feeling well or when you are stressed is NOT one of them. Many provoke anger, despair and violence. Listen to relaxing music instead. A good example is the type of music that does not bring the memory to the past. Memories can also be very stressful.

Of course, not all stress has a negative impact on one’s life. For example, you are going to make a long-awaited trip. It’s exciting and you can hardly wait. However, you are about to get married. These are stressful situations, yes, but not necessarily negative.

Some stressors, even if they are negative, should be dealt with in a positive way, since they are unavoidable. For example, if you must ride a bike in heavy traffic, think about the benefits of your activity: you are saving resources and exercising at the same time. Or maybe you need to stand in line at the post office to send a package abroad to someone you love, so you put up with it; you will make someone happy.

In Part 2, we will discuss another 5 things to avoid. To be continue…

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