Anal sex – The irresistible call of tightness!

Anal sex is a great sexual pleasure and a lusty spice added to sexual activities. Many nerve endings in the anal milieu and rectum respond well to anal stimulation, and tight anal rings cause strong sensations on a thrusting penis!

Two independently functioning rings of muscles, called sphincters, form the anal gate: the anus. The external sphincter is controlled by the central nervous system like your lips or your fingers, but the internal sphincter is autonomous like your heart, which reacts and tenses even when you try to relax. With experience and practice, you may be able to control the movement of the internal sphincter to facilitate penetration during anal intercourse.

In addition to all the vital tips, techniques and professional methods for better anal sex, the answer to the famous question: Does plenty of anal sex loosen your anal muscles? – also featured in Amy’s Better Sex Tutorial – Anal Sex Section.

How to maximize the pleasures of anal sex?

With a little attention and the right knowledge, anal sex is not painful or complicated, but full of pleasure and satisfaction. Pain in anal sexual activity means something is wrong! With enough lube and patience, it’s entirely possible to enjoy anal sex as a satisfying part of your sexual activities.

It is a fact that many men and women can reach orgasm more easily with the help of anal sexual activities! So learn how to do safe and pleasurable anal sex and don’t hold back from giving these sensational pleasures to your lover.

If you want to avoid any inconvenience in anal sex, you can benefit from specific diets for regular bowel movements. For effortless movements you need to control your food! For more information on cleaning in anal sex, see the Cleaning section of Amy’s Better Sex tutorial.

Even in the most pleasurable anal sexual activity, never forget to strictly reserve fingers, vibrators, or dildos for anal insertions only and not to use them for vaginal insertion without true cleaning. If you switch from anal sex to vaginal sex, change the condom to a new one. Rectal microorganisms are harmless in the rectum, but if transferred to the vagina, they can cause serious infections!

How to get the maximum pleasures from anal sex?

Some people love anal sex, others hate it! Still, don’t force your partner to have anal sex if they’re not in the mood, and don’t feel obligated to have anal sex if you don’t want to either! It is better to try anal sex at a special time, when you and your partner need something different and naughty, or when you feel ready to discover unique pleasures in anal sex.

The desire of many men to include anal sex in their sexual activities can be considered as a sign of dominance, a display of dominance, and sadly, not a real need for better, lustful sexual performance most of the time.

The pleasures of anal sex can best be derived from the following formula: Knowledge + Lubricants + Patience. For pleasurable anal sexual activities, abundant lubrication is a must. More is better! Against the drying problem of water-based lubes, you can use oil- or Vaseline-based lubes, or you can make your own lube with Amy’s special formulas.

But if you’re going to use condoms, keep in mind that only water-based lubricants are recommended.

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