An insight into Hal Higdon’s “Run Fast” 5K marathons

There are many sought after sports editors today not only because they are outstanding journalists, but simply because they have become the best in said sports activity at some point. In the world of marathon racing, you can find quite a few superstars to suit your needs. Surely someone who has published a plethora of books on marathon training and exercise is Hal Higdon, who recently released “Run Fast,” a book on how to increase your running records by beating them all on every race schedule you’re doing.

Definitely, “Run Fast” has been designed for everyone who has had marathon experience before. That is not to say that there is nothing reserved for beginners in this guide. In fact, you’ll find entire sections focused on just that. For any newcomer, you will find certain suggestions regarding 5K, 10K, half marathon and marathon sprint.

Needless to say, the simplest among all these sprint distances is the 5K. As you can imagine, mastering this range is essential for the amateur runner. Can you explain that? It’s definitely possible to just push more miles if he manages to run this particular mileage, but on top of that, you’ll be measuring his stamina and his proneness to injury at the most fundamental stage. Running 5K marathons will often help him increase his body’s performance and feel more comfortable as he progresses to higher levels.

In Hal Higdon’s manual, “Run Fast,” a good eight-week training program is made to instruct you a great deal by exercising up close practically every day. It goes without saying that the manual requires intense tactics in training, but it is worth it. Additionally, it emphasizes relaxation cycles during training, however, as relaxation is an essential feature in a neophyte sprint program, so that the body quickly acclimates to major running activities.

This review is not going to post in detail what exactly is mentioned in the book, but in short, this is how weekly marathon training should go under the direction of Hal Higdon’s manual, “Run Fast”:

*On Mondays and Wednesdays you should rest or go for a run/walk. A run/walk, of course, is a combination of walking and jogging, where you’ll want to do a lot of jogging, but you’ll be walking often. This will be important for beginners. With this, your physique won’t break down with intense runs.

*On Tuesdays and Saturdays there will be a long distance sprint within the range of 1.5 miles to three miles. Around the first week you will be running continuously for 1.5 miles and this will slowly grow to 3 miles as the weeks go by.

*On Thursdays there are also long-distance races. For the first four weeks you will jog 1 1/2 miles, and for the last 4 weeks it will turn into a two mile jog.

* Friday is a day of total rest, which will give your body time to recover and allow your muscles to recover.

*Sundays tend to be heavy for walking, because you are likely to be encouraged to go for thirty to sixty minute walks. The rules don’t require you to achieve a single mileage, so it’s relaxing for you. It is possible to stop to contemplate the landscapes, or smell various flowers in the park. This area of ​​exercise is essentially the same as walking.

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