A strange Reiki session through the chakras

“Nessa” (not her real name) came to me for a Reiki Chakra Balancing. This involves literally palpating (feeling with your hands) the seven main chakras (energy centers) and finding which ones are out of balance with the rest, then healing them with Reiki until they are in balance with the others. Nessa explained that she felt a need for balance, which is why she booked the session.

I feel the chakras in the aura, the electromagnetic field of the body. There is wisdom passed down from ancient times as to what an imbalance in any of the chakras might indicate. This wisdom is still relevant today. The distance, the touch and the gaze of the chakras guide me. I then tell the client, if he has chosen to be told, which chakras are out of balance and what could be the cause. So they can do that very important part of a Reiki session; Participate in your own healing. This gives the client power and control over their lives, and puts them in the driver’s seat on their healing journey. It is very important to empower the client. Reiki can be a totally passive session, but really, it’s best with at least some client participation. And Nessa certainly did.

I felt two imbalances. These were in the Sacral chakra and the Solar Plexus chakra. Nessa nodded at the sacral chakra, as she had been feeling some blockages there for a while. I explained to her that it could be digestive problems, as she had told me that she has some food intolerances, or it could mean feeling emotionally like one doesn’t fit in or belong. She agreed and said that she probably had something to do with her job as well as where she lived. She intends to move to a different part of town where she feels she belongs and where she used to live. After curing that imbalance, I could clearly see a beautiful orange color glowing from her sacral chakra.

Next, I went to the solar plexus chakra. After he felt healed, all of a sudden, I saw the skin through my mind’s eye, under his clothes, as beige-pink, not the milk chocolate brown that was his perfect skin in other places. I was surprised, as nowhere in the meticulous notes I took before the session was vitiligo mentioned. I didn’t say anything and hid the look of surprise on my face, as some customers with vitiligo feel embarrassed about it. Suddenly he burst into tears, he cried a lot and… The skin I saw in my mind turned the same perfect color as the rest of his skin! Then she started to smile. I realized that the color and subsequent change was due to some block of energy that had just been released, so I asked permission to share and explained that it might be a touchy subject. She gave him permission, and we both laughed, because for all intents and purposes, this was a woman who seemed very sure of herself, who seemed comfortable with herself and sure of her identity.

I continued with the healing, with all the expected things that happen during a Reiki session. When we finished, Nessa took some water, sat down and tried to make some sense of the session. She said that this was the most she had ever felt in a Reiki session before, and she felt that it was her choice to focus on chakra balancing that made the difference.

Nessa laughed afterwards. “People always tell me ‘you’re black on the outside and white on the inside,’ and I don’t know what that means,” she said. We laugh out loud as it really is a silly and outdated concept and comment. She prefers to date white men, but we all have preferences when it comes to the appearance of our partner. I mean, really, no one is surprised when a white woman prefers to date white men. So it’s all very silly. Silly, old-fashioned, but somehow it had been relevant to Nessa about her sense of identity, ego, willpower, and any of the other qualities related to the solar plexus chakra. I say “had”, not “has”, as any disruption of the energy that had been in her solar plexus during the Reiki Chakra healing was gone. It no longer existed.

Thank you, Nessa, for letting me share your story, to give others an idea of ​​how the chakras can be a great gateway to healing, and that we don’t need psychotherapy or even knowing what caused an energy blockage. He left, and that was it.

I hope this helps deepen your understanding of Reiki through the chakras a little further, whether you are new to Reiki or an experienced Reiki Master.

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