A Beginner’s Guide to Different Types of Air Conditioner Filters

It goes without saying that the HVAC filters in your commercial or residential heating and cooling systems have an important job to do. They are intended to remove dust, pet dander, and other air pollutants and maintain indoor air quality at all times.

In addition to that, these filters also help keep your HVAC components free of larger particles that can easily damage them and have a negative effect on their overall performance. It’s worth noting that the higher the MERV rating of the filter you choose, the better it will perform.

In this blog post, you will find five different types of HVAC air filters explained to help you select the right one for your residential and commercial comfort needs.

1. HEPA filters

HEPA (short for High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are known to have the highest MERV ratings. The Environmental Protection Agency, as well as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, suggest that these filters can easily trap particles that are as small as 0.3 microns, including tobacco smoke and bacteria.

It is also important to note that HEPA filters can obstruct air flow and are specifically recommended for hospitals and other similar structures where air quality is of great importance.

2. Fiberglass air filters

Fiberglass filters are disposable filters that have the lowest stress rating of all. They also happen to be the most affordable. Instead of filtering pollutants and dust in the air, they are better at protecting your air conditioner from harmful pollutants. If you end up choosing this filter, you should know that you may still be at risk for respiratory complications.

3. Pleated air filters

Pleated air filters are another type of HVAC air filter that are made from pleats of polyester or cotton. They are usually a bit more expensive than fiberglass filters, but they are relatively more effective at filtering out dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores.

Filters that have more pleats are better at filtering and preventing dust and other particles from circulating through the air. Pleated filters typically have a MERV rating between 5 and 8.

4. UV filters

UV filters are another common type of air filter that uses UV lights to kill viruses and bacteria inside your home. Although they are less effective at filtering dust and other pollutants, they are efficient at fighting microorganisms that can put your health at serious risk.

5. Electrostatic air filters

Last but not least, there are electrostatic filters that essentially involve the use of an electrostatic charge to attract dust and other particles from the air and prevent them from being distributed from room to room. Some of these filters are washable and some are not.

Regardless of the type of air filter you choose, you should take the time to maintain and clean it regularly and change or replace it when necessary.

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