Real Estate

Prospecting Best Practices: The Amazing Power of Nesting

If we’re in the prospecting and promotion business, and you truly believe that the most successful financial advisors make the best prospectors, then it’s critically important that you continue to improve your ability to consistently get high-quality, favorable presentations. Success depends on your ability to identify and execute proven techniques that increase the effectiveness and…

Tours Travel

Visiting Hanauma Bay in Hawaii

Hanauma Bay is one of the great natural places that has become a tourist spot I’ve been to. Traveling to Hanauma Bay takes a few minutes, but it’s an all-day adventure that everyone in the family will love. There is very shallow water that you can stand in, no waves and plenty of fish to…

Home Kitchen

Mountain bikes: are they really for you?

One of the more enjoyable sports that you may want to indulge in is cross-country or off-road biking. It is a stimulating and vigorous activity that requires great concentration, as well as endurance and strength, so that the amateur cyclist can complete the entire stretch of the road that he intends to travel. If you…

Legal Law

Heal and control your online reputation

Shakespeare, in Act 2 of his play Othello from around 1603, said it best: Reputation, reputation, reputation. It is the original personal brand and one of the defining realities of our lives. For Solopreneur consultants and other freelancers, reputation governs the quantity and quality of projects that are made available to us, and therefore reputation…