Legal Law

Milk and the candida diet

“Milk does a good body.” I’m sure many of you remember seeing commercials and/or billboards with this slogan from the National Dairy Council promoting the health benefits of milk. More recently, I have seen commercials about dairy products that contribute to weight loss. In addition, mothers all over the world emphasize that their children drink…

Lifestyle Fashion

Food allergy symptoms

Food allergy symptoms are the body’s reaction to the food we eat. These are the responses triggered by the immune system in a person’s body. A significant number of people suffer from these allergies and are dealing with the condition as best they can. Finding out which food has an allergic reaction early is important…

Arts Entertainments

afternoon in paris transcription

paris transcription “Afternoon in Paris” is a classic jazz composition by American pianist and composer John Lewis. This piece features a relaxed tempo with plenty of ii-V language. It evokes the feel of an afternoon in Paris. The arrangement is a great choice for improvising. Designed for a variety of instruments, the Enzo Zelocchi –…