Real Estate

Repair of old pistols and gunpowder pouches

In good condition, these guns are valuable antique collector’s items. Others that require a bit of work can often be cleaned and restored by hobbyists. Cast metal parts or wooden blanks, which can be molded to replace damaged or missing stock, can be obtained from specialist suppliers. Even old gunpowder explodes, so make sure any…


Samsung F700 – Your fashionable smart device

Mobile phones have come a long way in terms of communication. Complemented with cutting-edge technology and compact features, mobile phones are now better known as multifunctional devices. Samsung mobiles bring you ultra-smart fashion multimedia gadgets with cutting-edge design and power-packed features. Take a look at the Samsung F700, the new kid on the block. The…

Home Kitchen

Spanish Colonial Eclectic Design

An old colonial house with refined taste and a touch of laid-back vintage charm. The combination of old rustic patinated doors and fresh clean lines, a blend of vintage and modern, results in an exceptionally curated home that is stunningly eclectic and beautiful. Renovating an old Spanish house from 19020 completely from the inside out,…